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Benchmark: SI-4(a)(b)(c)


The organization: a. Monitors the information system to detect: 1. Attacks and indicators of potential attacks in accordance with [Assignment: organization- defined monitoring objectives]; and 2. Unauthorized local, network, and remote connections; b. Identifies unauthorized use of the information system through [Assignment: organization- defined techniques and methods]; c. Deploys monitoring devices: i. strategically within the information system to collect organization-determined essential information; and (ii) at ad hoc locations within the system to track specific types of transactions of interest to the organization.


Install the mod:

mkdir dashboards
cd dashboards
powerpipe mod init
powerpipe mod install github.com/turbot/steampipe-mod-aws-compliance

Start the Powerpipe server:

steampipe service start
powerpipe server

Open http://localhost:9033 in your browser and select SI-4(a)(b)(c).

Run this benchmark in your terminal:

powerpipe benchmark run aws_compliance.benchmark.fedramp_moderate_rev_4_si_4_a_b_c

Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:

powerpipe benchmark run aws_compliance.benchmark.fedramp_moderate_rev_4_si_4_a_b_c --share

