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Control: 5.1.1 Ensure that a 'Diagnostic Setting' exists


Enable Diagnostic settings for exporting activity logs. Diagnostic settings are available for each individual resource within a subscription. Settings should be configured for all appropriate resources for your environment.

A diagnostic setting controls how a diagnostic log is exported. By default, logs are retained only for 90 days. Diagnostic settings should be defined so that logs can be exported and stored for a longer duration in order to analyze security activities within an Azure subscription.


From Azure Portal

To enable Diagnostic Settings on a Subscription:

  1. Go to Monitor.
  2. Click on Activity Log.
  3. Click on Export Activity Logs.
  4. Click + Add diagnostic setting.
  5. Enter a Diagnostic setting name.
  6. Select Categories for the diagnostic settings.
  7. Select the appropriate Destination details (this may be Log Analytics/Storage Account/Event Hub or Partner solution).
  8. Click Save.

To enable Diagnostic Settings on a specific resource:

  1. Go to Monitor.
  2. Click Diagnostic settings.
  3. Click on the resource that has a diagnostics status of disabled.
  4. Select Add Diagnostic Setting.
  5. Enter a Diagnostic setting name.
  6. Select the appropriate log, metric, and destination. (This may be Log Analytics/Storage account or Event Hub).
  7. Click save.

Repeat these step for all resources as needed.

From Azure CLI

To configure Diagnostic Settings on a Subscription:

az monitor diagnostic-settings subscription create --subscription <subscription id> --name <diagnostic settings name> --location <location> <[- -event-hub <event hub ID> --event-hub-auth-rule <event hub auth rule ID>] [-- storage-account <storage account ID>] [--workspace <log analytics workspace ID>] --logs "<JSON encoded categories>" (e.g. [{category:Security,enabled:true},{category:Administrative,enabled:true},{cat egory:Alert,enabled:true},{category:Policy,enabled:true}])

To configure Diagnostic Settings on a specific resource:

az monitor diagnostic-settings create --subscription <subscription ID> -- resource <resource ID> --name <diagnostic settings name> <[--event-hub <event hub ID> --event-hub-rule <event hub auth rule ID>] [--storage-account <storage account ID>] [--workspace <log analytics workspace ID>] --logs <resource specific JSON encoded log settings> --metrics <metric settings (shorthand|json-file|yaml-file)>

From PowerShell

To configure Diagnostic Settings on a subscription:

$logCategories = @();
$logCategories += New-AzDiagnosticSettingSubscriptionLogSettingsObject - Category Administrative -Enabled $true
$logCategories += New-AzDiagnosticSettingSubscriptionLogSettingsObject - Category Security -Enabled $true
$logCategories += New-AzDiagnosticSettingSubscriptionLogSettingsObject - Category ServiceHealth -Enabled $true
$logCategories += New-AzDiagnosticSettingSubscriptionLogSettingsObject - Category Alert -Enabled $true
$logCategories += New-AzDiagnosticSettingSubscriptionLogSettingsObject - Category Recommendation -Enabled $true
$logCategories += New-AzDiagnosticSettingSubscriptionLogSettingsObject -
Category Policy -Enabled $true
$logCategories += New-AzDiagnosticSettingSubscriptionLogSettingsObject - Category Autoscale -Enabled $true
$logCategories += New-AzDiagnosticSettingSubscriptionLogSettingsObject - Category ResourceHealth -Enabled $true
New-AzSubscriptionDiagnosticSetting -SubscriptionId <subscription ID> -Name <Diagnostic settings name> <[-EventHubAuthorizationRule <event hub auth rule ID> -EventHubName <event hub name>] [-StorageAccountId <storage account ID>] [-WorkSpaceId <log analytics workspace ID>] [-MarketplacePartner ID <full ARM Marketplace resource ID>]> -Log $logCategories

To configure Diagnostic Settings on a specific resource:

$logCategories = @()
$logCategories += New-AzDiagnosticSettingLogSettingsObject -Category <resource specific log category> -Enabled $true
Repeat command and variable assignment for each Log category specific to the resource where this Diagnostic Setting will get configured.
$metricCategories = @()
$metricCategories += New-AzDiagnosticSettingMetricSettingsObject -Enabled $true [-Category <resource specific metric category | AllMetrics>] [- RetentionPolicyDay <Integer>] [-RetentionPolicyEnabled $true]
Repeat command and variable assignment for each Metric category or use the 'AllMetrics' category.
New-AzDiagnosticSetting -ResourceId <resource ID> -Name <Diagnostic settings name> -Log $logCategories -Metric $metricCategories [- EventHubAuthorizationRuleId <event hub auth rule ID> -EventHubName <event hub name>] [-StorageAccountId <storage account ID>] [-WorkspaceId <log analytics workspace ID>] [-MarketplacePartnerId <full ARM marketplace resource ID>]>

Default Value

By default, diagnostic setting is not set.


Run the control in your terminal:

powerpipe control run azure_compliance.control.cis_v200_5_1_1

Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:

powerpipe login
powerpipe control run azure_compliance.control.cis_v200_5_1_1 --share


This control uses a named query:

