Control: MX records should have reverse A record (PTR)
A PTR record is reverse version of an A record. In general A record maps a domain name to an IP address, but PTR record maps IP address to a hostname. It is recommended to use PTR record when using both internal or external mail servers. It allows the receiving end to check the hostname of your IP address.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run net_insights.control.dns_mx_reverse_a_record
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run net_insights.control.dns_mx_reverse_a_record --share
Steampipe Tables
with domain_list as ( select distinct domain from net_dns_record where domain in (select jsonb_array_elements_text(to_jsonb($1::text[])))),domain_mx_records as ( select domain, target from net_dns_record where domain in (select domain from domain_list) and type = 'MX' order by domain),mx_ips as ( select domain, ip from net_dns_record where domain in (select target from domain_mx_records) and type = 'A'),mx_record_with_ip as ( select domain_mx_records.domain,, mx_ips.ip, (mx_ips.ip << ''::inet or mx_ips.ip << ''::inet or mx_ips.ip << ''::inet or mx_ips.ip << ''::inet or mx_ips.ip << ''::inet or mx_ips.ip << ''::inet) as is_private from domain_mx_records inner join mx_ips on = mx_ips.domain),mx_with_reverse_add as ( select domain, target, ( select concat( array_to_string(array( select nums[i] from generate_subscripts(nums, 1) as indices(i) order by i desc ), '.'), '' ) as reversed from (select string_to_array(host(ip), '.') as nums) as data ) as reverse from mx_record_with_ip),mx_with_ptr_record_stats as ( select domain, case when (select count(*) from net_dns_record where domain = mx_with_reverse_add.reverse and type = 'PTR' group by domain) is not null then true else false end as has_ptr_record, reverse as rev_add from mx_with_reverse_add)select domain as resource, case when (select count(*) from mx_with_ptr_record_stats where domain = domain_list.domain and not has_ptr_record group by domain) is not null then 'alarm' else 'ok' end as status, case when (select count(*) from mx_with_ptr_record_stats where domain = domain_list.domain and not has_ptr_record group by domain) is not null then domain || ' MX records have no PTR entries: [' || (select string_agg(rev_add, ', ') from mx_with_ptr_record_stats where domain = domain_list.domain and not has_ptr_record) || '].' else domain || ' has PTR records for all MX records.' end as reasonfrom domain_list;
Args | Name | Default | Description | Variable |
$1 | domain_names |
| DNS domain names. |