steampipe plugin install github

Table: github_team_repository - Query GitHub Teams Repositories using SQL

GitHub Teams Repositories represent the association between teams and repositories within a GitHub organization. Teams are groups of organization members that reflect the company or project structure in your organization. Repositories are where all your project files (including documentation) reside and teams can be granted access to these repositories.

Table Usage Guide

The github_team_repository table provides insights into the association between teams and repositories within a GitHub organization. As a project manager or team lead, explore team-specific access details through this table, including repository permissions and associated metadata. Utilize it to uncover information about team access to repositories, such as those with admin permissions, the relationship between teams and repositories, and the verification of access policies.

Important Notes

  • You must specify the organization and slug columns in the where or join clause to query the table.
  • To list all your repositories use the github_my_repository table instead. To get information about any repository, use the github_repository table instead.


List a specific team's repositories

This query is designed to help you gain insights into the details of a specific team's repositories within your organization on GitHub. It is useful for understanding the team's repository permissions, primary language, fork count, stargazer count, license information, and other relevant details, which can help in managing team resources and identifying areas for improvement.

slug as team_slug,
name as team_name,
primary_language ->> 'name' as language,
license_info ->> 'spdx_id' as license,
organization = 'my_org'
and slug = 'my-team';
slug as team_slug,
name as team_name,
(primary_language ->> 'name') as language,
(license_info ->> 'spdx_id') as license,
organization = 'my_org'
and slug = 'my-team';

List visible teams and repositories they have admin permissions to

Explore the teams and associated repositories within your organization that have administrative permissions. This is useful to ensure appropriate access rights and maintain security within your GitHub organization.

slug as team_slug,
name as name,
primary_language ->> 'name' as language
organization = 'my_org'
and slug = 'my-team'
and permission = 'ADMIN';
slug as team_slug,
name as name,
json_extract(primary_language, '$.name') as language
organization = 'my_org'
and slug = 'my-team'
and permission = 'ADMIN';

Schema for github_team_repository

_ctxjsonbSteampipe context in JSON form.
allow_update_branchbooleanIf true, a pull request head branch that is behind its base branch can always be updated even if it is not required to be up to date before merging.
archived_attimestamp with time zoneTimestamp when repository was archived.
auto_merge_allowedbooleanIf true, auto-merge can be enabled on pull requests in this repository.
can_administerbooleanIf true, you can administer this repository.
can_create_projectsbooleanIf true, you can create projects in this repository.
can_subscribebooleanIf true, you can subscribe to this repository.
can_update_topicsbooleanIf true, you can update topics on this repository.
code_of_conductjsonbThe code of conduct for this repository.
contact_linksjsonbList of contact links associated to the repository.
created_attimestamp with time zoneTimestamp when the repository was created.
default_branch_refjsonbDefault ref information.
delete_branch_on_mergebooleanIf true, branches are automatically deleted when merged in this repository.
descriptiontextThe description of the repository.
disk_usagebigintNumber of kilobytes this repository occupies on disk.
fork_countbigintNumber of forks there are of this repository in the whole network.
forking_allowedbooleanIf true, repository allows forks.
funding_linksjsonbThe funding links for this repository.
has_discussions_enabledbooleanIf true, the repository has the Discussions feature enabled.
has_downloadsbooleanIf true, the GitHub Downloads feature is enabled on the repository.
has_issues_enabledbooleanIf true, the repository has issues feature enabled.
has_pagesbooleanIf true, the GitHub Pages feature is enabled on the repository.
has_projects_enabledbooleanIf true, the repository has the Projects feature enabled.
has_starredbooleanIf true, you have starred this repository.
has_vulnerability_alerts_enabledbooleanIf true, vulnerability alerts are enabled for the repository.
has_wiki_enabledbooleanIf true, the repository has wiki feature enabled.
homepage_urltextThe external URL of the repository if set.
hooksjsonbThe API Hooks URL.
idbigintThe numeric ID of the repository.
interaction_abilityjsonbThe interaction ability settings for this repository.
is_archivedbooleanIf true, the repository is unmaintained (archived).
is_blank_issues_enabledbooleanIf true, blank issue creation is allowed.
is_disabledbooleanIf true, this repository disabled.
is_emptybooleanIf true, this repository is empty.
is_forkbooleanIf true, the repository is a fork.
is_in_organizationbooleanIf true, repository is either owned by an organization, or is a private fork of an organization repository.
is_lockedbooleanIf true, repository is locked.
is_mirrorbooleanIf true, the repository is a mirror.
is_privatebooleanIf true, the repository is private or internal.
is_security_policy_enabledbooleanIf true, repository has a security policy.
is_templatebooleanIf true, the repository is a template that can be used to generate new repositories.
is_user_configuration_repositorybooleanIf true, this is a user configuration repository.
issue_templatesjsonbA list of issue templates associated to the repository.
license_infojsonbThe license associated with the repository.
lock_reasontextThe reason the repository has been locked.
login_idtext=, !=, ~~, ~~*, !~~, !~~*Unique identifier for the user login.
merge_commit_allowedbooleanIf true, PRs are merged with a merge commit on this repository.
merge_commit_messagetextHow the default commit message will be generated when merging a pull request.
merge_commit_titletextHow the default commit title will be generated when merging a pull request.
mirror_urltextThe repository's original mirror URL.
nametext=The name of the repository.
name_with_ownertextThe repository's name with owner.
network_countbigintThe number of member repositories in the network.
node_idtextThe node ID of the repository.
open_graph_image_urltextThe image used to represent this repository in Open Graph data.
open_issues_total_countbigintCount of issues open on the repository.
organizationtext=The organization the team is associated with.
owner_logintextLogin of the repository owner.
permissiontextThe permission level the team has on the repository.
possible_commit_emailsjsonbA list of emails you can commit to this repository with.
primary_languagejsonbThe primary language of the repository's code.
projects_urltextThe URL listing the repository's projects.
pull_request_templatesjsonbReturns a list of pull request templates associated to the repository.
pushed_attimestamp with time zoneTimestamp when the repository was last pushed to.
rebase_merge_allowedbooleanIf true, rebase-merging is enabled on this repository.
repository_topics_total_countbigintCount of topics associated with the repository.
security_policy_urltextThe security policy URL.
slugtext=The team slug name.
sp_connection_nametext=, !=, ~~, ~~*, !~~, !~~*Steampipe connection name.
sp_ctxjsonbSteampipe context in JSON form.
squash_merge_allowedbooleanIf true, squash-merging is enabled on this repository.
squash_merge_commit_messagetextHow the default commit message will be generated when squash merging a pull request.
squash_merge_commit_titletextHow the default commit title will be generated when squash merging a pull request.
ssh_urltextThe SSH URL to clone this repository.
stargazer_countbigintReturns a count of how many stargazers there are on this repository.
subscribers_countbigintThe number of users who have subscribed to the repository.
subscriptiontextIdentifies if the current user is watching, not watching, or ignoring the repository.
topicsjsonbThe topics (similar to tags or labels) associated with the repository.
updated_attimestamp with time zoneTimestamp when repository was last updated.
urltextThe URL of the repository.
uses_custom_open_graph_imagebooleanif true, this repository has a custom image to use with Open Graph as opposed to being represented by the owner's avatar.
visibilitytextIndicates the repository's visibility level.
watchers_total_countbigintCount of watchers on the repository.
web_commit_signoff_requiredbooleanIf true, contributors are required to sign off on web-based commits in this repository.
your_permissiontextYour permission level on the repository. Will return null if authenticated as an GitHub App.


This table is available as a standalone Exporter CLI. Steampipe exporters are stand-alone binaries that allow you to extract data using Steampipe plugins without a database.

You can download the tarball for your platform from the Releases page, but it is simplest to install them with the script:

/bin/sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" -- github

You can pass the configuration to the command with the --config argument:

steampipe_export_github --config '<your_config>' github_team_repository