Table: gandi_domain
The gandi_domain
table can be used to query information about your domains.
List domains
select fqdnfrom gandi_domain;
List domains without auto renew set
select fqdnfrom gandi_domainwhere auto_renew = false;
List domains expiring in less than one month
select fqdnfrom gandi_domainwhere dates_registry_ends_at < now() + interval '1 month';
List domains using classic namervers
select fqdnfrom gandi_domainwhere livedns_current = 'classic';
Schema for gandi_domain
Name | Type | Operators | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form. | |
auto_renew | boolean | Automatic renewal status. | |
dates_created_at | timestamp with time zone | The date the domain started to be handled by Gandi. | |
dates_deletes_at | timestamp with time zone | The date on which the domain will be deleted at the registry. | |
dates_hold_begins_at | timestamp with time zone | The date from which the domain is held. | |
dates_hold_ends_at | timestamp with time zone | The date from which the domain can’t be renewed anymore (the domain can be restored if the registry supports redemption period otherwise the domain might be destroyed at Gandi at that date). | |
dates_pending_delete_ends_at | timestamp with time zone | The date from which the domain will be available after a deletion. | |
dates_registry_created_at | timestamp with time zone | The date the domain was created on the registry. | |
dates_registry_ends_at | timestamp with time zone | The date the domain will end at the registry. | |
dates_updated_at | timestamp with time zone | The last update date. | |
dnssec_available | boolean | Indicates if DNSSEC may be applied to the domain. | |
domain_owner | text | The full name of the owner. | |
fqdn | text | Fully qualified domain name, written in its native alphabet (IDN). | |
fqdn_unicode | text | Fully qualified domain name, written in unicode. | |
id | text | Unique id of the domain. | |
livedns_current | text | Type of nameservers currently set. classic corresponds to Gandi's classic nameservers, livedns is for the new, default, Gandi nameservers, premium_dns indicates the presence of Gandi's Premium DNS nameserver and the corresponding service subscription, and other is for custom nameservers. | |
livednssec_available | boolean | Indicates if DNSSEC with liveDNS may be applied to this domain. | |
nameservers | jsonb | List of current nameservers. | |
orga_owner | text | The username of the organization owner. | |
owner | text | The username of the owner. | |
sharing_id | text | The id of the organization. | |
sp_connection_name | text | =, !=, ~~, ~~*, !~~, !~~* | Steampipe connection name. |
sp_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form. | |
status | jsonb | The status of the domain. | |
tags | jsonb | Tags associated to this domain. | |
tld | text | The top-level domain. |