OVH + Steampipe
OVH is a cloud computing company.
Steampipe is an open source CLI to instantly query cloud APIs using SQL.
For example:
select id, descriptionfrom ovh_cloud_project
+----------------------------------+-------------+| id | description |+----------------------------------+-------------+| 27c5a6d3dfez87893jfd88fdsfmvnqb8 | CloudWatt || 81c5a6d3dfez87893jfd32fdsmpawq3z | Numergy |+----------------------------------+-------------+
Get started
Download and install the latest OVH plugin:
steampipe plugin install francois2metz/ovh
Installing the latest ovh plugin will create a config file (~/.steampipe/config/ovh.spc
) with a single connection named ovh
connection "ovh" { plugin = "francois2metz/ovh"
# Go to to create your application key, # secret and the consumer key # For the rights, GET with the path * # application_key = "CitIbyantOosuzFu" # application_secret = "phoagDakOywytMibfetJidloidvuenVo" # consumer_key = "einbycsAnmachCeOkvabicdifAdofdon"
# OVH Endpoint # 'ovh-eu' for OVH Europe API # 'ovh-us' for OVH US API # 'ovh-ca' for OVH Canada API # 'soyoustart-eu' for So you Start Europe API # 'soyoustart-ca' for So you Start Canada API # 'kimsufi-eu' for Kimsufi Europe API # 'kimsufi-ca' for Kimsufi Canada API endpoint = "ovh-eu"}