steampipe plugin install l-teles/detectify

Detectify + Steampipe

Detectify offers surface monitoring and web app scanning to identify vulnerabilities using a continuously updated database of security tests, powered by a crowdsource community of ethical hackers.

Steampipe is an open source CLI to instantly query cloud APIs using SQL.

Query your open security vulnerabilities and filter by status:

to_char(created_at, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as "Creation Date",
date_part('day', NOW() - created_at) AS "Days Open",
status as "Status",
cvss_scores -> 'cvss_3_1' ->> 'severity' as "Severity",
host as "Asset",
title as "Title",
when source ->> 'value' = 'surface-monitoring' then 'EASM'
else 'WebApp Scan'
end as "Source",
location as "URL",
definition ->> 'description' as "Description"
status not in ('accepted_risk', 'patched', 'false_positive');
| Status | Severity | Asset | Title | Source | URL |
| active | medium | gateway.example.com | Express Stack Trace | EASM | https://gateway.example.com/%ff |
| active | information | customer.example.com| Deprecated Security Header / X-XSS-Protection | WebApp Scan | https://customer.example.com/ |


Table definitions & examples ā†’

Get started


Download and install the latest Detectify plugin:

steampipe plugin install l-teles/detectify


Installing the latest Detectify plugin will create a config file (~/.steampipe/config/detectify.spc) with a single connection named detectify:

connection "detectify" {
plugin = "l-teles/detectify"
# The base URL of Detectify. Required.
# This can be set via the `DETECTIFY_URL` environment variable.
# base_url = "https://api.detectify.com/rest"
# The API token for API calls. Required.
# This can also be set via the `DETECTIFY_API_TOKEN` environment variable.
# token = "96d4y0631c31850v2g13e4rkqt50h1p8v"
# The access secret for API calls. Required.
# This can also be set via the `DETECTIFY_API_SECRET` environment variable.
# secret = "zl/0kt4gvFsV43PQuhNJjZ-XSSIJKakoYY2pTax05zaY="
# The access secret for v3 API calls. Required.
# This can also be set via the `DETECTIFY_API_TOKEN_V3` environment variable.
# token_v3 = "3cd16594-z302-4lgz-113e-b3a36xy2lt99"
  • token - Required access token from Detectify - v2 of the API
  • secret - Required secret token from Detectify - v2 of the API. This needs to be enabled manually on Detectify after the key is created. (more info here)
  • token_v3 - Required access token from Detectify - v3 of the API

ā„¹ļø Currently, one token per API version is required, since both API versions make different information available.

Alternatively, you can also use environment variables to obtain credentials only if other arguments (base_url, token and token_v3) are not specified in the connection:

export DETECTIFY_URL="https://api.detectify.com/rest"
export DETECTIFY_API_TOKEN="96d4y0631c31850v2g13e4rkqt50h1p8v"
export DETECTIFY_API_SECRET="zl/0kt4gvFsV43PQuhNJjZ-XSSIJKakoYY2pTax05zaY="
export DETECTIFY_API_TOKEN_V3="3cd16594-z302-4lgz-113e-b3a36xy2lt99"

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