steampipe plugin install theapsgroup/clickup

ClickUp + Steampipe

ClickUp is a SaaS specialising in Project/Task Management similar to Jira or Asana.

Steampipe is an open source CLI for querying cloud APIs using SQL from Turbot


Getting Started


steampipe plugin install theapsgroup/clickup


CredentialsYou will require a ClickUp API Token
Resolution1. Credentials explicitly set in a steampipe config file (~/.steampipe/config/clickup.spc).
2. Credentials specified in environment variables, e.g., CLICKUP_TOKEN.


Configuration can take place in the config file (which takes precedence) ~/.steampipe/config/clickup.spc or in Environment Variables.

Environment Variables:

  • CLICKUP_TOKEN for the API token (ex: pk_t348t9v3UYFG535ti)

Configuration File:

connection "clickup" {
plugin = "theapsgroup/clickup"
token = "pk_t348t9v3UYFG535ti"


A quick test can be performed from your terminal with:

> steampipe query "select id, name, color from clickup_team"
| id | name | color |
| 1111111 | The APS Group | #003b75 |