Table: azure_cosmosdb_account - Query Azure Cosmos DB Accounts using SQL
Azure Cosmos DB is a globally distributed, multi-model database service designed for scalable and high-performance modern applications. It provides native support for NoSQL and OSS APIs, including MongoDB, Cassandra, Gremlin, et al. With turnkey global distribution and transparent multi-master replication, it offers single-digit millisecond latency, and 99.999% availability.
Table Usage Guide
The azure_cosmosdb_account
table provides insights into Azure Cosmos DB Accounts within Azure's database services. As a database administrator or developer, explore account-specific details through this table, including configurations, properties, and associated resources. Utilize it to uncover information about accounts, such as their replication policies, failover policies, and the verification of virtual network rules.
List of database accounts where automatic failover is not enabled
Explore which database accounts in Azure CosmosDB do not have automatic failover enabled. This is useful to identify potential risks and ensure high availability and disaster recovery in your database setup.
select name, region, enable_automatic_failover, resource_groupfrom azure_cosmosdb_accountwhere not enable_automatic_failover;
select name, region, enable_automatic_failover, resource_groupfrom azure_cosmosdb_accountwhere enable_automatic_failover = 0;
List of database accounts which allows traffic from all networks, including the public Internet.
Explore which database accounts are potentially exposed to security risks by allowing traffic from all networks, including the public internet. This can be useful to identify potential vulnerabilities and improve security measures.
select name, region, virtual_network_rulesfrom azure_cosmosdb_accountwhere virtual_network_rules = '[]';
select name, region, virtual_network_rulesfrom azure_cosmosdb_accountwhere virtual_network_rules = '[]';
List of database accounts where multiple write location is not enabled
Identify the Azure Cosmos DB accounts that do not have multiple write locations enabled. This can be useful in pinpointing potential areas of risk or inefficiency, as enabling multiple write locations can enhance data redundancy and availability.
select name, region, enable_multiple_write_locationsfrom azure_cosmosdb_accountwhere not enable_multiple_write_locations;
select name, region, enable_multiple_write_locationsfrom azure_cosmosdb_accountwhere enable_multiple_write_locations = 0;
Failover policy info for the database accounts
Determine the areas in which your Azure CosmosDB accounts have their failover policies set. This helps in understanding the priority and location of failover events, thereby assisting in ensuring high availability and disaster recovery strategies.
select name, fp ->> 'failoverPriority' as failover_priority, fp ->> 'locationName' as location_namefrom azure_cosmosdb_account cross join jsonb_array_elements(failover_policies) as fp;
select name, json_extract(fp.value, '$.failoverPriority') as failover_priority, json_extract(fp.value, '$.locationName') as location_namefrom azure_cosmosdb_account, json_each(failover_policies) as fp;
Consistency policy info for each account
Discover the segments that detail the consistency policy for each account, useful for understanding the database account offer type and the default consistency level. This aids in managing data consistency and staleness across your Azure Cosmos DB accounts.
select name, consistency_policy_max_interval, consistency_policy_max_staleness_prefix, database_account_offer_type, default_consistency_levelfrom azure_cosmosdb_account;
select name, consistency_policy_max_interval, consistency_policy_max_staleness_prefix, database_account_offer_type, default_consistency_levelfrom azure_cosmosdb_account;
Get backup policy for accounts having periodic backups enabled
Determine the backup policies of accounts with periodic backups enabled. This is useful for understanding the frequency and retention of backups, as well as the redundancy of storage, ensuring data safety and availability.
select name, region, backup_policy -> 'periodicModeProperties' ->> 'backupIntervalInMinutes' as backup_interval_mins, backup_policy -> 'periodicModeProperties' ->> 'backupRetentionIntervalInHours' as backup_retention_interval_hrs, backup_policy -> 'periodicModeProperties' ->> 'backupStorageRedundancy' as backup_storage_redundancyfrom azure_cosmosdb_accountwhere backup_policy ->> 'type' = 'Periodic';
select name, region, json_extract( backup_policy, '$.periodicModeProperties.backupIntervalInMinutes' ) as backup_interval_mins, json_extract( backup_policy, '$.periodicModeProperties.backupRetentionIntervalInHours' ) as backup_retention_interval_hrs, json_extract( backup_policy, '$.periodicModeProperties.backupStorageRedundancy' ) as backup_storage_redundancyfrom azure_cosmosdb_accountwhere json_extract(backup_policy, '$.type') = 'Periodic';
Get private endpoint connection details for each account
Explore the connection details of each private endpoint linked to your account. This can help you assess the status and type of each connection, enabling better management and troubleshooting of your network resources.
select c ->> 'PrivateEndpointConnectionName' as private_endpoint_connection_name, c ->> 'PrivateEndpointConnectionType' as private_endpoint_connection_type, c ->> 'PrivateEndpointId' as private_endpoint_id, c ->> 'PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStateActionsRequired' as private_link_service_connection_state_actions_required, c ->> 'PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStateDescription' as private_link_service_connection_state_description, c ->> 'PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStateStatus' as private_link_service_connection_state_status, c ->> 'ProvisioningState' as provisioning_state, c ->> 'PrivateEndpointConnectionId' as private_endpoint_connection_idfrom azure_cosmosdb_account, jsonb_array_elements(private_endpoint_connections) as c;
select json_extract(c.value, '$.PrivateEndpointConnectionName') as private_endpoint_connection_name, json_extract(c.value, '$.PrivateEndpointConnectionType') as private_endpoint_connection_type, json_extract(c.value, '$.PrivateEndpointId') as private_endpoint_id, json_extract( c.value, '$.PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStateActionsRequired' ) as private_link_service_connection_state_actions_required, json_extract( c.value, '$.PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStateDescription' ) as private_link_service_connection_state_description, json_extract( c.value, '$.PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStateStatus' ) as private_link_service_connection_state_status, json_extract(c.value, '$.ProvisioningState') as provisioning_state, json_extract(c.value, '$.PrivateEndpointConnectionId') as private_endpoint_connection_idfrom azure_cosmosdb_account, json_each(private_endpoint_connections) as c;
Get details of accounts restored from backup
The example demonstrates how to identify the instances where Azure Cosmos DB accounts have been restored from a backup. This can be particularly useful for auditing purposes, to ensure data integrity and to track any unauthorized restorations.
select name, restore_parameters ->> 'restoreMode' as restore_mode, restore_parameters ->> 'restoreSource' as restore_source, d ->> 'databaseName' as restored_database_name, c as restored_collection_namefrom azure_cosmosdb_account, jsonb_array_elements(restore_parameters -> 'databasesToRestore') d, jsonb_array_elements_text(d -> 'collectionNames') c;
select, json_extract(a.restore_parameters, '$.restoreMode') as restore_mode, json_extract(a.restore_parameters, '$.restoreSource') as restore_source, json_extract(d.value, '$.databaseName') as restored_database_name, json_extract(c.value, '$') as restored_collection_namefrom azure_cosmosdb_account a, json_each( json_extract(a.restore_parameters, '$.databasesToRestore') ) as d, json_each(json_extract(d.value, '$.collectionNames')) as c;
Query examples
- child_cosmosdb_account_for_cosmosdb_account
- child_cosmosdb_restorable_database_account_for_cosmosdb_account
- cosmosdb_account_automatic_failover
- cosmosdb_account_automatic_failover_disabled_count
- cosmosdb_account_backup_policy
- cosmosdb_account_by_encryption_type
- cosmosdb_account_by_kind
- cosmosdb_account_by_region
- cosmosdb_account_by_subscription
- cosmosdb_account_capabilities
- cosmosdb_account_consistency_policy
- cosmosdb_account_cors_rules
- cosmosdb_account_count
- cosmosdb_account_customer_managed_encryption_count
- cosmosdb_account_database_count
- cosmosdb_account_database_details
- cosmosdb_account_default_encrypted_servers_count
- cosmosdb_account_encryption
- cosmosdb_account_encryption_details
- cosmosdb_account_failover_policy
- cosmosdb_account_firewall_policies
- cosmosdb_account_ids_for_network_subnet
- cosmosdb_account_private_endpoint_connection
- cosmosdb_account_private_link
- cosmosdb_account_public_access
- cosmosdb_account_public_count
- cosmosdb_account_tags
- cosmosdb_account_virtual_network_rules
- cosmosdb_mongo_database_for_cosmosdb_account
- cosmosdb_sql_database_for_cosmosdb_account
- key_vault_keys_for_cosmosdb_account
- key_vault_vaults_for_cosmosdb_account
- network_subnets_for_cosmosdb_account
- network_virtual_networks_for_cosmosdb_account
- parent_cosmosdb_account_for_cosmosdb_account
- parent_cosmosdb_restorable_database_account_for_cosmosdb_account
Control examples
- All Controls > Cosmos DB > Cosmos DB account 'Access Control' should be configured to use Azure Active Directory (AAD) and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
- All Controls > Cosmos DB > Cosmos DB accounts should disable key based metadata write access
- All Controls > Cosmos DB > Ensure That 'Firewalls & Networks' Is Limited to Use Selected Networks Instead of All Networks
- Azure Cosmos DB accounts should have firewall rules
- Azure Cosmos DB accounts should use customer-managed keys to encrypt data at rest
- CIS v1.5.0 > 4 Database Services > 4.5 Cosmos DB > 4.5.1 Ensure That 'Firewalls & Networks' Is Limited to Use Selected Networks Instead of All Networks
- CIS v1.5.0 > 4 Database Services > 4.5 Cosmos DB > 4.5.2 Ensure That Private Endpoints Are Used Where Possible
- CIS v2.0.0 > 4 Database Services > 4.5 Cosmos DB > 4.5.1 Ensure That 'Firewalls & Networks' Is Limited to Use Selected Networks Instead of All Networks
- CIS v2.0.0 > 4 Database Services > 4.5 Cosmos DB > 4.5.2 Ensure That Private Endpoints Are Used Where Possible
- CIS v2.1.0 > 4 Database Services > 4.5 Cosmos DB > 4.5.1 Ensure That 'Firewalls & Networks' Is Limited to Use Selected Networks Instead of All Networks
- CIS v2.1.0 > 4 Database Services > 4.5 Cosmos DB > 4.5.2 Ensure That Private Endpoints Are Used Where Possible
- CIS v3.0.0 > 5 Database Services > 5.4 Azure Cosmos DB > 5.4.1 Ensure That 'Firewalls & Networks' Is Limited to Use Selected Networks Instead of All Networks
- CIS v3.0.0 > 5 Database Services > 5.4 Azure Cosmos DB > 5.4.2 Ensure That Private Endpoints Are Used Where Possible
- Cosmos DB should use a virtual network service endpoint
- CosmosDB accounts should use private link
Schema for azure_cosmosdb_account
Name | Type | Operators | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form. | |
akas | jsonb | Array of globally unique identifier strings (also known as) for the resource. | |
backup_policy | jsonb | The object representing the policy for taking backups on an account. | |
capabilities | jsonb | A list of Cosmos DB capabilities for the account. | |
cloud_environment | text | The Azure Cloud Environment. | |
connector_offer | text | The cassandra connector offer type for the Cosmos DB database C* account. | |
consistency_policy_max_interval | bigint | The time amount of staleness (in seconds) tolerated, when used with the Bounded Staleness consistency level. | |
consistency_policy_max_staleness_prefix | bigint | The number of stale requests tolerated, when used with the Bounded Staleness consistency level. | |
cors | jsonb | A list of CORS policy for the Cosmos DB database account. | |
database_account_offer_type | text | The offer type for the Cosmos DB database account. | |
default_consistency_level | text | The default consistency level and configuration settings of the Cosmos DB account. | |
disable_key_based_metadata_write_access | boolean | Disable write operations on metadata resources (databases, containers, throughput) via account keys. | |
disable_local_auth | boolean | Disable local authentication and ensure only MSI and AAD can be used exclusively for authentication. Defaults to false. | |
document_endpoint | text | The connection endpoint for the Cosmos DB database account. | |
enable_analytical_storage | boolean | Specifies whether to enable storage analytics, or not. | |
enable_automatic_failover | boolean | Enables automatic failover of the write region in the rare event that the region is unavailable due to an outage. | |
enable_cassandra_connector | boolean | Enables the cassandra connector on the Cosmos DB C* account. | |
enable_free_tier | boolean | Specifies whether free Tier is enabled for Cosmos DB database account, or not. | |
enable_multiple_write_locations | boolean | Enables the account to write in multiple locations. | |
failover_policies | jsonb | A list of regions ordered by their failover priorities. | |
id | text | Contains ID to identify a database account uniquely. | |
ip_rules | jsonb | A list of IP rules. | |
is_virtual_network_filter_enabled | boolean | Specifies whether to enable/disable Virtual Network ACL rules. | |
key_vault_key_uri | text | The URI of the key vault, used to encrypt the Cosmos DB database account. | |
kind | text | Indicates the type of database account. | |
locations | jsonb | A list of all locations that are enabled for the Cosmos DB account. | |
name | text | = | The friendly name that identifies the database account. |
private_endpoint_connections | jsonb | A list of Private Endpoint Connections configured for the Cosmos DB account. | |
provisioning_state | text | The provisioning state of the database account resource. | |
public_network_access | text | Indicates whether requests from Public Network are allowed. | |
read_locations | jsonb | A list of read locations enabled for the Cosmos DB account. | |
region | text | The Azure region/location in which the resource is located. | |
resource_group | text | = | The resource group which holds this resource. |
restore_parameters | jsonb | Parameters to indicate the information about the restore. | |
server_version | text | Describes the ServerVersion of an a MongoDB account. | |
sp_connection_name | text | =, !=, ~~, ~~*, !~~, !~~* | Steampipe connection name. |
sp_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form. | |
subscription_id | text | =, !=, ~~, ~~*, !~~, !~~* | The Azure Subscription ID in which the resource is located. |
tags | jsonb | A map of tags for the resource. | |
title | text | Title of the resource. | |
type | text | Type of the resource. | |
virtual_network_rules | jsonb | A list of Virtual Network ACL rules configured for the Cosmos DB account. | |
write_locations | jsonb | A list of write locations enabled for the Cosmos DB account. |
This table is available as a standalone Exporter CLI. Steampipe exporters are stand-alone binaries that allow you to extract data using Steampipe plugins without a database.
You can download the tarball for your platform from the Releases page, but it is simplest to install them with the
/bin/sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" -- azure
You can pass the configuration to the command with the --config
steampipe_export_azure --config '<your_config>' azure_cosmosdb_account