steampipe plugin install azuread

Azure Active Directory + Steampipe

Steampipe is an open-source zero-ETL engine to instantly query cloud APIs using SQL.

Azure Active Directory is Microsoft’s cloud-based identity and access management service, which helps your employees sign in and access resources in:

  • External resources, such as Microsoft 365, the Azure portal, and thousands of other SaaS applications.
  • Internal resources, such as apps on your corporate network and intranet, along with any cloud apps developed by your own organization.

For example:

| display_name | user_principal_name | user_type |
| Dwight Schrute | | Member |
| Jim Halpert | | Guest |
| Pam Beesly | | Member |
| Michael Scott | | Member |


Get started


Download and install the latest Azure Active Directory plugin:

steampipe plugin install azuread


CredentialsUse the az login command to setup your Azure AD Default Connection
PermissionsGrant the following API permissions to your user or service principal (you may need to grant admin consent again after modifying permissions):
  • Application.Read.All
  • AuditLog.Read.All
  • Directory.Read.All
  • Domain.Read.All
  • Group.Read.All
  • IdentityProvider.Read.All
  • Policy.Read.All
  • User.Read.All
  • RadiusEach connection represents a single Azure Tenant.
    Resolution1. Credentials explicitly set in a steampipe config file (~/.steampipe/config/azuread.spc).
    2. Credentials specified in environment variables e.g. AZURE_TENANT_ID.


    Installing the latest azuread plugin will create a config file (~/.steampipe/config/azuread.spc) with a single connection named azuread:

    connection "azuread" {
    plugin = "azuread"
    # environment = "AZUREPUBLICCLOUD"
    # You can connect to Azure using one of options below:
    # Use client secret authentication (
    # client_secret = "ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"
    # Use client certificate authentication (
    # required options:
    # certificate_path = "~/home/azure_cert.pem"
    # certificate_password = "notreal~pwd"
    # Use a managed identity (
    # This method is useful with Azure virtual machines
    # enable_msi = true
    # msi_endpoint = ""
    # If no credentials are specified, the plugin will use Azure CLI authentication

    By default, all options are commented out in the default connection, thus Steampipe will resolve your credentials using the same order as mentioned in Credentials. This provides a quick way to get started with Steampipe, but you will probably want to customize your experience using configuration options for querying multiple tenants, configuring credentials from your Azure CLI, Client Certificate, etc.

    Multi-Tenant Connections

    You may create multiple azuread connections:

    connection "azuread_all" {
    type = "aggregator"
    plugin = "azuread"
    connections = ["azuread_*"]
    connection "azuread_ten_1" {
    plugin = "azuread"
    tenant_id = "crfsd708-7da0-4cea-abeb-0a4c334d0f90"
    client_id = "ea4v6490-c9b5-41db-a942-40a3eaba7053"
    client_secret = "oIb8Q~2hrXFNvWkvtKRtSriRg-kAM3CWEn0g0aGn"
    connection "azuread_ten_2" {
    plugin = "azuread"
    tenant_id = "crfsd708-7da0-4cea-abeb-0a4c334d0f80"
    client_id = "ea4v6490-c9b5-41db-a942-40a3eaba7088"
    client_secret = "oIb8Q~2hrXFNvWkvtKRtSriRg-kAM3NEEn0g0aGn"
    connection "azuread_ten_3" {
    plugin = "azuread"
    tenant_id = "crfsd708-7da0-4cea-abeb-0a4c334d0f70"
    client_id = "ea4v6490-c9b5-41db-a942-40a3eaba7000"
    client_secret = "oIb8Q~2hrXFNvWkvtKRtSriRg-kAM3VREn0g0aGn"

    Each connection is implemented as a distinct Postgres schema. As such, you can use qualified table names to query a specific connection:


    Alternatively, you can use an unqualified name and it will be resolved according to the Search Path:


    You can create multi-tenant connections by using an aggregator connection. Aggregators allow you to query data from multiple connections for a plugin as if they are a single connection:

    connection "azuread_all" {
    plugin = "azuread"
    type = "aggregator"
    connections = ["azuread_ten_1", "azuread_ten_2", "azuread_ten_3"]

    Querying tables from this connection will return results from the azuread_ten_1, azuread_ten_2, and azuread_ten_3 connections:


    Steampipe supports the * wildcard in the connection names. For example, to aggregate all the Azuread plugin connections whose names begin with azuread_:

    connection "azuread_all" {
    type = "aggregator"
    plugin = "azuread"
    connections = ["azuread_*"]

    Configuring Azure Active Directory Credentials

    The Azure AD plugin support multiple formats and authentication mechanisms, and they are tried in the below order:

    1. Client Secret Credentials if set; otherwise
    2. Client Certificate Credentials if set; otherwise
    3. Azure Managed System Identity (useful with virtual machines) if set; otherwise
    4. If no credentials are supplied, then the az cli credentials are used

    Client Secret Credentials

    You may specify the tenant ID, client ID, and client secret to authenticate:

    • tenant_id: Specify the tenant to authenticate with.
    • client_id: Specify the app client ID to use.
    • client_secret: Specify the app secret to use.
    connection "azuread_via_sp_secret" {
    plugin = "azuread"
    tenant_id = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
    client_id = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
    client_secret = "my plaintext password"

    Client Certificate Credentials

    You may specify the tenant ID, client ID, certificate path, and certificate password to authenticate:

    • tenant_id: Specify the tenant to authenticate with.
    • client_id: Specify the app client ID to use.
    • certificate_path: Specify the certificate path to use.
    • certificate_password: Specify the certificate password to use.
    connection "azuread_via_sp_cert" {
    plugin = "azuread"
    tenant_id = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
    client_id = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
    certificate_path = "path/to/file.pem"
    certificate_password = "my plaintext password"

    Azure Managed Identity

    Steampipe works with managed identities (formerly known as Managed Service Identity), provided it is running in Azure, e.g., on a VM. All configuration is handled by Azure. See Azure Managed Identities for more details.

    • enable_msi: Specify true to use managed identity credentials.
    • tenant_id: Specify the tenant to authenticate with.
    • client_id: Specify the app client ID of managed identity to use.
    • msi_endpoint: Specify the MSI endpoint to connect to, otherwise use the default Azure Instance Metadata Service (IMDS) endpoint.
    connection "azure_msi" {
    plugin = "azuread"
    tenant_id = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
    client_id = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
    enable_msi = true
    msi_endpoint = ""

    Azure CLI

    If no credentials are specified and the SDK environment variables are not set, the plugin will use the active credentials from the az cli. You can run az login to set up these credentials.

    connection "azuread" {
    plugin = "azuread"

    Credentials from Environment Variables

    The Azure AD plugin will use the standard Azure environment variables to obtain credentials only if other arguments (tenant_id, client_id, client_secret, certificate_path, etc..) are not specified in the connection:

    export AZURE_TENANT_ID="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
    export AZURE_CLIENT_ID="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
    export AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET="my plaintext secret"
    export AZURE_CERTIFICATE_PATH=path/to/file.pem
    export AZURE_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD="my plaintext password"
    connection "azuread" {
    plugin = "azuread"

    Postgres FDW

    This plugin is available as a native Postgres FDW. Unlike Steampipe CLI, which ships with an embedded Postgres server instance, the Postgres FDW can be installed in any supported Postgres database version.

    You can download the tarball for your platform from the Releases page, but it is simplest to install them with the script:

    /bin/sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" -- azuread

    The installer will prompt you for the plugin name and version, download and install the appropriate files for your OS, system architecture, and Postgres version.

    To configure the Postgres FDW, you will create an extension, foreign server, and schema and import the foreign schema.

    CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS steampipe_postgres_azuread;
    CREATE SERVER steampipe_azuread FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER steampipe_postgres_azuread OPTIONS (config '<your_config>');
    CREATE SCHEMA azuread;
    IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA azuread FROM SERVER steampipe_azuread INTO azuread;

    SQLite Extension

    This plugin is available as a SQLite Extension, making the tables available as SQLite virtual tables.

    You can download the tarball for your platform from the Releases page, but it is simplest to install them with the script:

    /bin/sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" -- azuread

    The installer will prompt you for the plugin name, version, and destination directory. It will then determine the OS and system architecture, and it will download and install the appropriate package.

    To configure the SQLite extension, load the extension module and then run the steampipe_configure_azuread function to configure it with plugin-specific options.

    $ sqlite3
    sqlite> .load ./
    sqlite> select steampipe_configure_azuread('<your_config>');


    This plugin is available as a standalone Export CLI. Steampipe exporters are stand-alone binaries that allow you to extract data using Steampipe plugins without a database.

    You can download the tarball for your platform from the Releases page, but it is simplest to install them with the script:

    /bin/sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" -- azuread

    You can pass the configuration to the command with the --config argument:

    steampipe_export_azuread --config '<your_config>' <table_name>