Table: fly_ip - Query Fly IPs using SQL
Fly IP is a resource within that represents the IP ranges allocated to the platform. These IP ranges are distributed across various regions, enabling the deployment of applications closer to end users for better performance. Fly IP provides critical information about the geographical distribution of your applications and their network accessibility.
Table Usage Guide
The fly_ip
table provides insights into the IP ranges within As a network administrator, explore IP-specific details through this table, including the associated regions, and the network distribution of your applications. Utilize it to uncover information about the geographical spread of your applications, the network accessibility, and to plan for better performance and lower latency.
Basic info
Explore the creation dates and types of IP addresses within different regions. This allows the user to gain a clearer overview of their network infrastructure and aids in managing and optimizing resource allocation.
select address, id, created_at, type, regionfrom fly_ip;
select address, id, created_at, type, regionfrom fly_ip;
List IP addresses allocated to suspended apps
Discover the segments that have IP addresses allocated to applications that are currently suspended. This is beneficial in identifying potential security risks or freeing up resources.
select ip.address, ip.type as ip_type, as app_namefrom fly_app as a, jsonb_array_elements(ip_addresses -> 'nodes') as node join fly_ip as ip on = node ->> 'id'where a.status = 'suspended';
select ip.address, ip.type as ip_type, as app_namefrom fly_app as a, json_each(a.ip_addresses, '$.nodes') as node join fly_ip as ip on = json_extract(node.value, '$.id')where a.status = 'suspended';
List IP allocation information
Explore which applications are associated with specific IP addresses and their types. This can be useful in understanding the distribution and utilization of IP addresses across different applications.
select ip.address, ip.type as ip_type, as app_namefrom fly_app as a, jsonb_array_elements(ip_addresses -> 'nodes') as node join fly_ip as ip on = node ->> 'id';
select ip.address, ip.type as ip_type, as app_namefrom fly_app as a, json_each(a.ip_addresses, '$.nodes') as node join fly_ip as ip on = json_extract(node.value, '$.id');
Schema for fly_ip
Name | Type | Operators | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. | |
address | inet | The IP address. | |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | The timestamp when the IP address was created. | |
id | text | = | A unique identifier of the IP address. |
region | text | The region where the IP address is created. | |
type | text | Specifies the type of the IP address. |
This table is available as a standalone Exporter CLI. Steampipe exporters are stand-alone binaries that allow you to extract data using Steampipe plugins without a database.
You can download the tarball for your platform from the Releases page, but it is simplest to install them with the
/bin/sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" -- fly
You can pass the configuration to the command with the --config
steampipe_export_fly --config '<your_config>' fly_ip