Table: hcloud_image - Query Hetzner Cloud Images using SQL
Hetzner Cloud Images are system images and snapshots that can be used to create new servers. These images include pre-configured operating systems, applications, and configurations that are stored in Hetzner Cloud. They can be public (provided by Hetzner), private (custom images created by users), or snapshots created from existing servers.
Table Usage Guide
The hcloud_image
table provides insights into images within Hetzner Cloud. As a cloud administrator, explore image-specific details through this table, including image type, status, and associated metadata. Utilize it to uncover information about images, such as their description, source server, and the last time they were updated.
List all images
Explore all available images in your system to gain a better understanding of your resources. This can be useful for managing and organizing your digital assets.
select id, name, descriptionfrom hcloud_imageorder by id;
select id, name, descriptionfrom hcloud_imageorder by id;
Find all deprecated images
Uncover the details of outdated images within your system to better manage and update your resources for optimal performance.
select id, name, description, deprecatedfrom hcloud_imagewhere deprecated is not null;
select id, name, description, deprecatedfrom hcloud_imagewhere deprecated is not null;
Schema for hcloud_image
Name | Type | Operators | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. | |
bound_to | bigint | ID of Server the Image is bound to. Only set for Images of type backup. | |
build_id | text | Build ID of the Image. | |
created | timestamp with time zone | Point in time when the Image was created. | |
created_from | jsonb | Information about the Server the Image was created from. | |
deleted | timestamp with time zone | Point in time when the Image was deleted. | |
deprecated | timestamp with time zone | Point in time when the Image was deprecated. | |
description | text | Description of the Image. | |
disk_size | bigint | Size of the disk contained in the Image in GB. | |
id | bigint | = | ID of the Image. |
image_size | bigint | Size of the Image file in our storage in GB. For snapshot Images this is the value relevant for calculating costs for the Image. | |
image_type | text | = | Type of the Image: system, app, snapshot, backup, temporary. |
labels | jsonb | User-defined labels (key-value pairs). | |
name | text | = | Unique identifier of the Image. This value is only set for system Images. |
os_flavor | text | Flavor of operating system contained in the Image: ubuntu, centos, debian, fedora, unknown. | |
os_version | text | Operating system version. | |
protection | jsonb | Protection configuration for the Resource. | |
rapid_deploy | boolean | Indicates that rapid deploy of the Image is available. | |
status | text | = | Whether the Image can be used or if it's still being created or unavailable: available, creating, unavailable. |
This table is available as a standalone Exporter CLI. Steampipe exporters are stand-alone binaries that allow you to extract data using Steampipe plugins without a database.
You can download the tarball for your platform from the Releases page, but it is simplest to install them with the
/bin/sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" -- hcloud
You can pass the configuration to the command with the --config
steampipe_export_hcloud --config '<your_config>' hcloud_image