Table: ipstack_my_ip - Query IPStack My IP using SQL
IPStack is a service that provides geolocation and IP intelligence data. It allows you to identify user location, timezone, and ISP information using IP addresses. The IPStack service provides detailed and accurate data that can be used for a variety of purposes such as content personalization, fraud prevention, and network security.
Table Usage Guide
The ipstack_my_ip
table provides insights into the geolocation details of your IP address within IPStack. As a network engineer or security analyst, explore IP-specific details through this table, including location, ISP, and timezone. Utilize it to uncover information about your IP, such as its geolocation, the associated timezone, and the ISP details.
Get information about your current IP
Explore your current IP address details to understand its geographical location, ISP, and other related information. This can be useful for troubleshooting network issues or for security monitoring purposes.
select *from ipstack_my_ip;
select *from ipstack_my_ip;
Schema for ipstack_my_ip
Name | Type | Operators | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form. | |
asn | bigint | Autonomous System Number associated with the IP. | |
city | text | Name of the city associated with the IP. | |
continent_code | text | 2-letter continent code associated with the IP. | |
continent_name | text | Name of the continent associated with the IP. | |
country_code | text | 2-letter country code associated with the IP. | |
country_name | text | name of the country associated with the IP. | |
crawler_name | text | Name of the crawler the IP is associated with. Requires security to be enabled. | |
crawler_type | text | Type of crawler the IP is associated with. Requires security to be enabled. | |
currency_code | text | 3-letter code of the main currency associated with the IP. | |
currency_name | text | Name of the given currency. | |
currency_plural | text | Plural name of the given currency. | |
currency_symbol | text | Symbol letter of the given currency. | |
currency_symbol_native | text | Native symbol letter of the given currency. | |
hostname | text | Hostname associated with the IP address, if available. | |
ip | inet | Requested IP address. | |
is_crawler | boolean | True or false depending on whether or not the given IP is associated with a crawler. Requires security to be enabled. | |
is_proxy | boolean | True or false depending on whether or not the given IP is associated with a proxy. Requires security to be enabled. | |
is_tor | boolean | True or false depending on whether or not the given IP is associated with the anonymous Tor system. Requires security to be enabled. | |
isp | text | Name of the ISP associated with the IP. | |
latitude | double precision | Latitude value associated with the IP. | |
location_calling_code | text | Calling / dial code of the country associated with the IP. (e.g. 351) for Portugal. | |
location_capital | text | Capital city of the country associated with the IP. | |
location_country_flag_emoji | text | Emoji icon for the flag of the country associated with the IP. | |
location_country_flag_emoji_unicode | text | Unicode value of the emoji icon for the flag of the country associated with the IP (e.g. U+1F1F5 U+1F1F9 for the Portuguese flag). | |
location_country_flag_link | text | HTTP URL leading to an SVG-flag icon for the country associated with the IP. | |
location_geoname_id | bigint | Unique geoname identifier in accordance with the Geonames Registry. | |
location_is_eu | boolean | True or false depending on whether or not the county associated with the IP is in the European Union. | |
location_languages | jsonb | Object containing one or multiple sub-objects per language spoken in the country associated with the IP. | |
longitude | double precision | Longitude value associated with the IP. | |
proxy_type | text | Type of proxy the IP is associated with. Requires security to be enabled. | |
region_code | text | Region code of the region associated with the IP (e.g. CA for California). | |
region_name | text | Name of the region associated with the IP. | |
sp_connection_name | text | =, !=, ~~, ~~*, !~~, !~~* | Steampipe connection name. |
sp_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form. | |
threat_level | text | Type of threat level the IP is associated with. Requires security to be enabled. | |
threat_types | jsonb | Object containing all threat types associated with the IP. Requires security to be enabled. | |
timezone_code | text | Universal code of the given time zone. | |
timezone_current_time | timestamp with time zone | Current date and time in the location associated with the IP (e.g. 2018-03-29T22:31:27-07:00). | |
timezone_gmt_offset | bigint | GMT offset of the given time zone in seconds (e.g. -25200 for PST's -7h GMT offset). | |
timezone_id | text | ID of the time zone associated with the IP (e.g. America/Los_Angeles for PST). | |
timezone_is_daylight_saving | boolean | True or false depending on whether or not the given time zone is considered daylight saving time. | |
type | text | IP address type IPv4 or IPv6. | |
zip | text | ZIP code associated with the IP. |
This table is available as a standalone Exporter CLI. Steampipe exporters are stand-alone binaries that allow you to extract data using Steampipe plugins without a database.
You can download the tarball for your platform from the Releases page, but it is simplest to install them with the
/bin/sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" -- ipstack
You can pass the configuration to the command with the --config
steampipe_export_ipstack --config '<your_config>' ipstack_my_ip