Table: launchdarkly_feature_flag - Query LaunchDarkly Feature Flags using SQL
LaunchDarkly is a feature management platform that allows software teams to control feature rollouts, test in production, and perform progressive delivery. It provides a centralized way to manage and control the visibility and rollout of features in your applications. LaunchDarkly helps you mitigate the risk of software releases and improve the speed and reliability of your delivery pipeline.
Table Usage Guide
The launchdarkly_feature_flag
table provides insights into feature flags within LaunchDarkly. As a software engineer or product manager, explore feature-specific details through this table, including the key, state, and description. Utilize it to uncover information about features, such as their rollout status, enabling or disabling features, and understanding the impact of feature changes.
Basic info
Explore the characteristics of different feature flags, including their names, keys, versions, creation dates, and types. This information can be useful to understand the various aspects of your feature flags and to track their history over time.Explore the fundamental details of your feature flags, such as their names, versions, and creation dates, to gain a comprehensive overview and better manage your feature releases. This can be particularly useful in scenarios where you need to assess the overall status of your feature flags or identify any issues.
select name, key, version, creation_date, kindfrom launchdarkly_feature_flag;
select name, key, version, creation_date, kindfrom launchdarkly_feature_flag;
List the feature flags that have been created in the last 30 days
Discover the recently created feature flags within the past month. This is useful for keeping track of new features or changes that have been introduced to your application or service.Discover the segments that have been introduced in the past month. This can be useful for understanding recent changes or additions to your product's functionality.
select name, key, version, creation_date, kindfrom launchdarkly_feature_flagwhere creation_date >= now() - interval '30' day;
select name, key, version, creation_date, kindfrom launchdarkly_feature_flagwhere creation_date >= datetime('now', '-30 day');
List out the archived feature flags
Explore which feature flags have been archived to manage your application's features more effectively. This could be useful in understanding the evolution of your application's features and make informed decisions about future development.Explore which feature flags have been archived in LaunchDarkly to better manage your flag inventory and understand the evolution of your feature rollout strategies.
select name, key, version, creation_date, kindfrom launchdarkly_feature_flagwhere archived;
select name, key, version, creation_date, kindfrom launchdarkly_feature_flagwhere archived = 1;
List out all the temporary feature flags
Discover the segments that utilize temporary feature flags, allowing for a better understanding of how these are used in your application and potentially highlighting areas for optimization or risk. This can be especially useful in managing and tracking the use of feature flags for testing or temporary features.Explore which feature flags are temporary in your LaunchDarkly setup. This can help manage and clean up temporary flags that are no longer needed, improving system efficiency.
select name, key, version, creation_date, kindfrom launchdarkly_feature_flagwhere temporary;
select name, key, version, creation_date, kindfrom launchdarkly_feature_flagwhere temporary = 1;
List out the maintainer details of a feature flag
Discover the individuals responsible for maintaining specific feature flags. This is beneficial for understanding who to contact regarding changes or issues with a particular feature flag.Explore which feature flags are being managed by whom, to identify the individuals responsible for specific functions and their roles. This is useful for understanding accountability and communication paths within a team managing feature flags.
select name, key, version, maintainer ->> '_id' as maintainer_id, maintainer ->> 'email' as maintainer_email_id, (maintainer ->> 'firstName') || ' ' || (maintainer ->> 'lastName') as maintainer_name, maintainer ->> 'role' as maintainer_rolefrom launchdarkly_feature_flag;
select name, key, version, json_extract(maintainer, '$._id') as maintainer_id, json_extract(maintainer, '$.email') as maintainer_email_id, (json_extract(maintainer, '$.firstName')) || ' ' || (json_extract(maintainer, '$.lastName')) as maintainer_name, json_extract(maintainer, '$.role') as maintainer_rolefrom launchdarkly_feature_flag;
Schema for launchdarkly_feature_flag
Name | Type | Operators | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form. | |
archived | boolean | Boolean indicating if the feature flag is archived. | |
archived_date | timestamp with time zone | Time when the feature flag has been archived. | |
client_side_availability | jsonb | An array of possible variations for the flag. | |
creation_date | timestamp with time zone | API key to use with mobile SDKs. | |
custom_properties | jsonb | Information about the custom properties. | |
defaults | jsonb | The index, from the array of variations for this flag, of the variation to serve by default when targeting is on or off. | |
description | text | Description of the feature flag. | |
environments | jsonb | A JSON object containing configuration information for different environments. | |
experiments | jsonb | Information about the experiments related to the feature flag. | |
goal_ids | jsonb | An array of goal IDs. | |
include_in_snippet | boolean | TDeprecated, use clientSideAvailability. Whether this flag should be made available to the client-side JavaScript SDK | |
key | text | = | A unique key used to reference the flag in your code. |
kind | text | Kind of feature flag. | |
links | jsonb | The location and content type of related resources. | |
maintainer | jsonb | Details of the maintainer for the feature flags. | |
maintainer_id | text | Associated maintainerId for the feature flag. | |
maintainer_team_key | text | The key of the associated team that maintains this feature flag. | |
name | text | A human-friendly name for the feature flag. | |
project_key | text | = | The key of this project. |
sp_connection_name | text | =, !=, ~~, ~~*, !~~, !~~* | Steampipe connection name. |
sp_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form. | |
tags | jsonb | Tags for the feature flag. | |
temporary | boolean | Whether the flag is a temporary flag. | |
title | text | Title of the resource. | |
variation | jsonb | An array of possible variations for the flag. | |
version | bigint | Version of the feature flag. |
This table is available as a standalone Exporter CLI. Steampipe exporters are stand-alone binaries that allow you to extract data using Steampipe plugins without a database.
You can download the tarball for your platform from the Releases page, but it is simplest to install them with the
/bin/sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" -- launchdarkly
You can pass the configuration to the command with the --config
steampipe_export_launchdarkly --config '<your_config>' launchdarkly_feature_flag