steampipe plugin install linode

Table: linode_event - Query Linode Events using SQL

Linode Events are system events that occur on your Linode instances. They can include actions such as booting, shutting down, or resizing a Linode, and can be used to track changes and incidents in your environment. These events provide important information about the activity and performance of your resources.

Table Usage Guide

The linode_event table provides insights into system events related to Linode instances. As a system administrator or DevOps engineer, explore event-specific details through this table, including event types, timestamps, and associated metadata. Utilize it to monitor system activity, track changes, and identify potential issues related to your Linode instances.


List token create events

Explore which events are related to the creation of tokens. This can be useful in understanding and auditing security measures, as token creation often relates to authentication processes.

action = 'token_create';
action = 'token_create';

Discover the segments that pertain to a specific domain, enabling you to analyze and understand events related to that particular domain.

entity ->> 'type' = 'domain'
and entity ->> 'label' = '';
json_extract(entity, '$.type') = 'domain'
and json_extract(entity, '$.label') = '';

Schema for linode_event

_ctxjsonbSteampipe context in JSON form.
actiontext=The action that caused this Event. New actions may be added in the future.
createdtimestamp with time zoneThe date and time this event was created.
entityjsonbDetailed information about the Event's entity, including ID, type, label, and URL used to access it.
euuidtextAn external unique identifier for this account.
filtertext=Raw Linode list filter string in JSON format.
idbigint=The unique ID of this Event.
percent_completebigintA percentage estimating the amount of time remaining for an Event. Returns null for notification events.
ratetextThe rate of completion of the Event. Only some Events will return rate; for example, migration and resize Events.
readbooleanIf this Event has been read.
secondary_entityjsonbDetailed information about the Event's secondary or related entity, including ID, type, label, and URL used to access it.
seenbooleanIf this Event has been seen.
sp_connection_nametext=, !=, ~~, ~~*, !~~, !~~*Steampipe connection name.
sp_ctxjsonbSteampipe context in JSON form.
statustextCurrent status of the Event, Enum: 'failed' 'finished' 'notification' 'scheduled' 'started'.
time_remainingbigintThe estimated time remaining until the completion of this Event. This value is only returned for in-progress events.
usernametextThe username of the User who caused the Event.


This table is available as a standalone Exporter CLI. Steampipe exporters are stand-alone binaries that allow you to extract data using Steampipe plugins without a database.

You can download the tarball for your platform from the Releases page, but it is simplest to install them with the script:

/bin/sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" -- linode

You can pass the configuration to the command with the --config argument:

steampipe_export_linode --config '<your_config>' linode_event