steampipe plugin install salesforce

Salesforce + Steampipe

Salesforce is a customer relationship management (CRM) platform.

Steampipe is an open-source zero-ETL engine to instantly query cloud APIs using SQL.

List won opportunities:

| name | amount | close_date |
| GenePoint Standby Generator | 85000 | 2021-10-23T05:30:00+05:30 |
| GenePoint SLA | 30000 | 2021-12-16T05:30:00+05:30 |
| Express Logistics Standby Generator | 220000 | 2021-09-15T05:30:00+05:30 |


Get started


Download and install the latest salesforce plugin:

steampipe plugin install salesforce


Installing the latest salesforce plugin will create a config file (~/.steampipe/config/salesforce.spc) with a single connection named salesforce:

connection "salesforce" {
plugin = "salesforce"
# Salesforce instance URL, e.g., "https://na01.salesforce.com/"
# url = "https://na01.salesforce.com/"
# Salesforce account name
# username = "user@example.com"
# Salesforce account password
# password = "Dummy@~Password"
# The Salesforce security token is only required If the client's IP address is not added to the organization's list of trusted IPs
# https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=sf.security_networkaccess.htm&type=5
# token = "ABO5C3PNqOP0BHsPFakeToken"
# Salesforce client ID of the connected app
# client_id = "3MVG99E3Ry5mh4z_FakeID"
# List of Salesforce object names to generate additional tables for
# This argument only accepts exact Salesforce standard and custom object names, e.g., AccountBrand, OpportunityStage, CustomApp__c
# For a full list of standard object names, please see https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api.meta/api/sforce_api_objects_list.htm
# All custom object names should end in "__c", following Salesforce object naming standards
# objects = ["AccountBrand", "OpportunityStage", "CustomApp__c"]
# Salesforce API version to connect to
# api_version = "43.0"
# The naming_convention allows users to control the naming format for tables and columns in the plugin. Below are the supported values:
# api_native - If set to this value, the plugin will use the native format for table names, meaning there will be no "salesforce_" prefix, and the table and column names will remain as they are in Salesforce.
# snake_case (default) - If the user does not specify any value, the plugin will use snake case for table and column names and table names will have a "salesforce_" prefix.
# naming_convention = "snake_case"


Custom Fields

Salesforce supports the addition of custom fields to standard objects.

If you have set up Salesforce credentials correctly in the Steampipe configuration, Steampipe will generate the tables schema with all the custom fields along with standard object fields dynamically.

For instance, if the Account object in my Salesforce account has a custom field with the label Priority and the API name Priority__c, the table schema will be generated as:

.inspect salesforce_account
| column | type | description |
| account_number | text | The Account Number. |
| account_source | text | The source of the account record. For example, Advertisement, Data.com, or Trade Show. |
| priority__c | text | The account's priority. |

The custom field priority__c column can then be queried like other columns:


Note: Salesforce custom field names are always suffixed with __c, which is reflected in the column names as well.

Custom Objects

Salesforce also supports creating custom objects to track and store data that's unique to your organization.

Steampipe will create table schemas for all custom objects set in the objects argument.

For instance, if my connection configuration is:

connection "salesforce" {
plugin = "salesforce"
url = "https://my-dev-env.my.salesforce.com"
username = "user@example.com"
password = "MyPassword"
token = "MyToken"
client_id = "MyClientID"
objects = ["CustomApp__c", "OtherCustomApp__c"]

Steampile will automatically create two tables, salesforce_custom_app__c and salesforce_other_custom_app__c, which can then be inspected and queried like other tables:

.inspect salesforce
| table | description |
| salesforce_account_contact_role | Represents the role that a Contact plays on an Account. |
| salesforce_custom_app__c | Represents Salesforce object CustomApp__c. |
| salesforce_other_custom_app__c | Represents Salesforce object OtherCustomApp__c. |

To get details of a specific custom object table, inspect it by name:

.inspect salesforce_custom_app__c
| column | type | description |
| created_by_id | text | ID of app creator. |
| created_date | timestamp with time zone | Created date. |
| id | text | App record ID. |
| is_deleted | boolean | True if app is deleted. |
| last_modified_by_id | text | ID of last modifier. |
| last_modified_date | timestamp with time zone | Last modified date. |
| name | text | App name. |
| owner_id | text | Owner ID. |
| system_modstamp | timestamp with time zone | System Modstamp. |

This table can also be queried like other tables:


Note: Salesforce custom object names are always suffixed with __c, which is reflected in the table names as well.

Naming Convention

The naming_convention configuration argument allows you to control the naming format for tables and columns in the plugin.

Snake Case

If you do not specify a value for naming_convention or set it to snake_case, the plugin will use snake case for table and column names, and table names will have a salesforce_ prefix.

For example:

| id | who_count | what_count | subject | is_all_day_event |
| 00U2t0000000Mw3dEAD | 0 | 0 | test | false |

API Native

If naming_convention is set to api_native, the plugin will use Salesforce naming conventions. Table and column names will have mixed case and table names will not start with salesforce_.

For example:

| ID | WhoCount | WhatCount | Subject | IsAllDayEvent |
| 00U2t0000000Mw3dEAD | 0 | 0 | test | false |

Postgres FDW

This plugin is available as a native Postgres FDW. Unlike Steampipe CLI, which ships with an embedded Postgres server instance, the Postgres FDW can be installed in any supported Postgres database version.

You can download the tarball for your platform from the Releases page, but it is simplest to install them with the steampipe_postgres_installer.sh script:

/bin/sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://steampipe.io/install/postgres.sh)" -- salesforce

The installer will prompt you for the plugin name and version, download and install the appropriate files for your OS, system architecture, and Postgres version.

To configure the Postgres FDW, you will create an extension, foreign server, and schema and import the foreign schema.

CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS steampipe_postgres_salesforce;
CREATE SERVER steampipe_salesforce FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER steampipe_postgres_salesforce OPTIONS (config '<your_config>');
CREATE SCHEMA salesforce;
IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA salesforce FROM SERVER steampipe_salesforce INTO salesforce;

SQLite Extension

This plugin is available as a SQLite Extension, making the tables available as SQLite virtual tables.

You can download the tarball for your platform from the Releases page, but it is simplest to install them with the steampipe_sqlite_installer.sh script:

/bin/sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://steampipe.io/install/sqlite.sh)" -- salesforce

The installer will prompt you for the plugin name, version, and destination directory. It will then determine the OS and system architecture, and it will download and install the appropriate package.

To configure the SQLite extension, load the extension module and then run the steampipe_configure_salesforce function to configure it with plugin-specific options.

$ sqlite3
sqlite> .load ./steampipe_sqlite_salesforce.so
sqlite> select steampipe_configure_salesforce('<your_config>');


This plugin is available as a standalone Export CLI. Steampipe exporters are stand-alone binaries that allow you to extract data using Steampipe plugins without a database.

You can download the tarball for your platform from the Releases page, but it is simplest to install them with the steampipe_export_installer.sh script:

/bin/sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://steampipe.io/install/export.sh)" -- salesforce

You can pass the configuration to the command with the --config argument:

steampipe_export_salesforce --config '<your_config>' <table_name>