steampipe plugin install ellisvalentiner/weatherkit

Table: weatherkit_hourly_forecast

WeatherKit Hourly Forecast.


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Schema for weatherkit_hourly_forecast

_ctxjsonbSteampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name.
cloud_coverdouble precisionThe percentage of the sky covered with clouds during the period, from 0 to 1.
condition_codetextAn enumeration value indicating the condition at the time.
daylightbooleanIndicates whether the hour starts during the day or night.
forecast_starttimestamp with time zoneThe starting date and time of the forecast.
humiditydouble precisionThe relative humidity at the start of the hour, from 0 to 1.
latitudetext=A numeric value indicating the latitude of the coordinate between -90 and 90.
longitudetext=A numeric value indicating the longitude of the coordinate between -180 and 180.
metadatajsonbDescriptive information about the weather data.
precipitation_amountdouble precisionThe amount of precipitation forecasted to occur during period, in millimeters.
precipitation_chancedouble precisionThe chance of precipitation forecasted to occur during the hour, from 0 to 1.
precipitation_typetextThe type of precipitation forecasted to occur during the period.
pressuredouble precisionThe sea-level air pressure, in millibars.
pressure_trendtextThe direction of change of the sea-level air pressure.
snowfall_intensitydouble precisionThe rate at which snow crystals are falling, in millimeters per hour.
temperaturedouble precisionThe temperature at the start of the hour, in degrees Celsius.
temperature_apparentdouble precisionThe feels-like temperature when considering wind and humidity, at the start of the hour, in degrees Celsius.
temperature_dew_pointdouble precisionThe temperature at which relative humidity is 100% at the top of the hour, in degrees Celsius.
uv_indexbigintThe level of ultraviolet radiation at the start of the hour.
visibilitydouble precisionThe distance at which terrain is visible at the start of the hour, in meters.
wind_directionbigintThe direction of the wind at the start of the hour, in degrees.
wind_gustdouble precisionThe maximum wind gust speed during the hour, in kilometers per hour.
wind_speeddouble precisionThe wind speed at the start of the hour, in kilometers per hour.