steampipe plugin install ellisvalentiner/weatherkit

Table: weatherkit_weather_alert

List the weather alerts for the requested location.

The weatherkit_weather_alert table can be used to query information about severe weather alerts for the specified location. You must specify location in the where or join clause using the latitude and longitude columns.


List weather alerts for Ann Arbor, MI

latitude = '42.281'
and longitude = '-83.743';

List weather alert descriptions and expiration times for Austin, TX

latitude = '30.267'
and longitude = '-97.743';

Schema for weatherkit_weather_alert

_ctxjsonbSteampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name.
area_idtextAn official designation of the affected area.
area_nametextA human-readable name of the affected area.
certaintytextHow likely the event is to occur.
country_codetextThe ISO code of the reporting country.
descriptiontextA human-readable description of the event.
details_urltextThe URL to a page containing detailed information about the event.
effective_timetimestamp with time zoneThe time the event went into effect.
end_timetimestamp with time zoneThe time when the underlying weather event is projected to end.
event_onset_timetimestamp with time zoneThe time when the underlying weather event is projected to start.
expire_timetimestamp with time zoneThe time when the event expires.
idtextA unique identifier of the event.
issued_timetimestamp with time zoneThe time that event was issued by the reporting agency.
latitudetext=The latitude of the desired location.
longitudetext=The longitude of the desired location.
metadatajsonbDescriptive information about the weather data.
responsesjsonbAn array of recommended actions from the reporting agency.
severitytextThe level of danger to life and property.
sourcetextThe name of the reporting agency.
start_timetimestamp with time zoneA human-readable name of the affected area.
urgencytextAn indication of urgency of action from the reporting agency.