Table: openstack_server
A hypervisor isolates the hypervisor operating system from the virtual machines (servers).
Basic hypervisor info
select id, hypervisor_hostname, host_ip, state, hypervisor_typefrom openstack_hypervisor;
All running hypervisors
select id, hypervisor_hostname, host_ip, state, hypervisor_typefrom openstack_hypervisorwhere state = 'up';
System resource usage of running hypervisors
select id, hypervisor_hostname, host_ip, vcpus, vcpus_used, disk_available_least, free_disk_gb, free_ram_mb, local_gb, local_gb_used, running_vms, memory_mb, memory_mb_usedfrom openstack_hypervisorwhere state = 'up';
All disabled hypervisors
select id, hypervisor_hostname, host_ip, state, hypervisor_typefrom openstack_hypervisorwhere status = 'disabled';
Schema for openstack_hypervisor
Name | Type | Operators | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. | |
cpu_arch | text | The arch of the CPU. | |
cpu_model | text | The model of the CPU. | |
cpu_vendor | text | The vendor of the CPU. | |
current_workload | bigint | The number of tasks the hypervisor is responsible for. | |
disk_available_least | bigint | The actual free disk on the hypervisor, measured in GB. | |
free_disk_gb | bigint | The free disk remaining on the hypervisor, measured in GB. | |
free_ram_mb | bigint | The free RAM in the hypervisor, measured in MB. | |
host_ip | text | The hypervisor's IP address. | |
hypervisor_hostname | text | The hostname of the hypervisor. | |
hypervisor_type | text | The type of hypervisor. | |
hypervisor_version | text | The version of the hypervisor. | |
id | text | = | The unique ID of the hypervisor. |
local_gb | bigint | The disk space in the hypervisor, measured in GB. | |
local_gb_used | bigint | The used disk space of the hypervisor, measured in GB. | |
memory_mb | bigint | The total memory of the hypervisor, measured in MB. | |
memory_mb_used | bigint | The used memory of the hypervisor, measured in MB. | |
running_vms | bigint | The number of running vms on the hypervisor. | |
service | text | The service this hypervisor represents. | |
state | text | State of the hypervisor, either 'up'or 'down'. | |
status | text | Status of the hypervisor, either 'enabled' or 'disabled'. | |
vcpus | bigint | The total number of vcpus on the hypervisor. | |
vcpus_used | bigint | The number of used vcpus on the hypervisor. |