Table: openstack_subnet
A subnet has a block of IP addresses and allows network communication between instances. Instances can be assigned to subnets.
Basic subnet info
select name, description, id, ip_version, cidr, gateway_ip, allocation_pools, enable_dhcp, project_idfrom openstack_subnet;
Subnet by ID
select name, description, id, ip_version, cidr, gateway_ip, allocation_pools, enable_dhcp, project_idfrom openstack_subnetwhere id = '2e4a84c9-5ee2-42d2-9608-4194b0d5e865';
All IPv4 subnets
select name, description, id, ip_version, cidr, gateway_ip, allocation_pools, enable_dhcp, project_idfrom openstack_subnetwhere ip_version = '4';
All subnets with DHCP
select name, description, id, ip_version, cidr, gateway_ip, allocation_pools, enable_dhcp, project_idfrom openstack_subnetwhere enable_dhcp = true;
Schema for openstack_subnet
Name | Type | Operators | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. | |
allocation_pools | jsonb | Sub-ranges of CIDR available for dynamic allocation to ports. | |
cidr | text | CIDR representing IP range for this subnet, based on IP version. | |
description | text | Description for the subnet. | |
dns_nameservers | jsonb | DNS name servers used by hosts in this subnet. | |
enable_dhcp | boolean | Specifies whether DHCP is enabled for this subnet or not. | |
gateway_ip | text | Default gateway used by devices in this subnet. | |
host_routes | jsonb | Routes that should be used by devices with IPs from this subnet (not including local subnet route). | |
id | text | = | UUID representing the subnet. |
ip_version | bigint | IP version, either `4' or `6'. | |
ipv6_address_mode | text | The IPv6 address modes specifies mechanisms for assigning IPv6 IP addresses. | |
ipv6_ra_mode | text | The IPv6 router advertisement specifies whether the networking service should transmit ICMPv6 packets. | |
name | text | Human-readable name for the subnet. Might not be unique. | |
network_id | text | UUID of the parent network. | |
project_id | text | ProjectID is the project owner of the subnet. | |
revision_number | bigint | RevisionNumber optionally set via extensions/standard-attr-revisions. | |
subnet_pool_id | text | SubnetPoolID is the id of the subnet pool associated with the subnet. | |
tags | text | Tags optionally set via extensions/attributestags. | |
tenant_id | text | TenantID is the project owner of the subnet. |