Table: detectify_finding
A Detectify vulnerability (or finding) is a security flaw or weakness identified by the Detectify web application security scanner or by the Detectify surface monitoring tool.
Detectify performs automated scans of web applications to uncover potential vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers. These vulnerabilities can range from common issues such as Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and SQL Injection to more complex and less common vulnerabilities.
Each finding typically includes detailed information about the nature of the vulnerability, its location within the application, the potential impact, and recommendations for remediation. The severity of each vulnerability is also assessed to help prioritize the necessary actions to secure the application.
List all Detectify vulnerabilities
select uuid, title, severity, location, status, source ->> 'value' as "source", updated_atfrom detectify_finding;
List all Detectify vulnerabilities that have been risk accepted
select uuid, title, severity, location, status, source ->> 'value' as "source", updated_atfrom detectify_findingwhere status = 'accepted_risk';
List all open Detectify findings for one specific asset
select uuid, title, severity, location, status, source ->> 'value' as "source", updated_atfrom detectify_findingwhere status not in ('patched', 'accepted_risk', 'false_positive') and location like '';
Group open findings by severity
select count(*) as findings, severityfrom detectify_findingwhere status not in ('patched', 'accepted_risk', 'false_positive')group by severity;
Schema for detectify_finding
Name | Type | Operators | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form. | |
asset | jsonb | Details of the asset associated with the finding. | |
asset_token | text | Token of the asset associated with the finding. | |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when the finding was created. | |
cvss_scores | jsonb | CVSS scores of the finding. | |
cwe | bigint | Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) identifier. | |
definition | jsonb | Definition of the finding. | |
details | jsonb | Detailed information about the finding. | |
host | text | Host associated with the finding. | |
links | jsonb | Links related to the finding. | |
location | text | Location of the finding. | |
references | jsonb | References related to the finding. | |
request | jsonb | Request details that triggered the finding. | |
response | jsonb | Response details of the finding. | |
scan_source | text | Source of the scan. | |
severity | text | Severity of the finding. | |
source | jsonb | Source of the finding. | |
sp_connection_name | text | =, !=, ~~, ~~*, !~~, !~~* | Steampipe connection name. |
sp_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form. | |
status | text | Status of the finding. | |
tags | jsonb | Tags associated with the finding. | |
title | text | Title of the finding. | |
updated_at | timestamp with time zone | Timestamp when the finding was last updated. | |
uuid | text | Unique ID of this finding. | |
version | text | Version of the finding. |