Table: oci_core_image_custom - Query OCI Core Custom Images using SQL
Custom Images in OCI Core service are user-created images that are used to launch instances within the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. They are based on existing boot volumes and can be customized to meet specific requirements. These images are critical for creating multiple instances that are consistently configured.
Table Usage Guide
The oci_core_image_custom
table provides insights into custom images within the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Core service. As a DevOps engineer, you can utilize this table to explore details around these images, including their configuration, associated boot volumes, and launch parameters. This table is particularly useful for managing and auditing the custom images used within your OCI environment.
Basic info
Explore the basic details of your custom images in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, such as display name, size, tags, lifecycle state, and operating system. This can help you manage your resources effectively and keep track of your custom images.
select display_name, id, size_in_mbs, tags, lifecycle_state, operating_systemfrom oci_core_image_custom;
select display_name, id, size_in_mbs, tags, lifecycle_state, operating_systemfrom oci_core_image_custom;
List images with encryption in transit disabled
Explore which custom images have disabled encryption during data transit, to identify potential security risks. This can help in enhancing the data security measures by ensuring encryption is enabled during data transit.
select display_name, id, launch_options ->> 'isPvEncryptionInTransitEnabled' as is_encryption_in_transit_enabledfrom oci_core_image_customwhere launch_options ->> 'isPvEncryptionInTransitEnabled' = 'false';
select display_name, id, json_extract( launch_options, '$.isPvEncryptionInTransitEnabled' ) as is_encryption_in_transit_enabledfrom oci_core_image_customwhere json_extract( launch_options, '$.isPvEncryptionInTransitEnabled' ) = 'false';
Schema for oci_core_image_custom
Name | Type | Operators | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form. | |
agent_features | jsonb | Oracle Cloud Agent features supported on the image. | |
base_image_id | text | The OCID of the image originally used to launch the instance. | |
compartment_id | text | = | The OCID of the compartment in Tenant in which the resource is located. |
create_image_allowed | boolean | Indicates whether instances launched with this image can be used to create new images. | |
defined_tags | jsonb | Defined tags for resource. Defined tags are set up in your tenancy by an administrator. Only users granted permission to work with the defined tags can apply them to resources. | |
display_name | text | = | A user-friendly name for the image. It does not have to be unique, and it's changeable. |
freeform_tags | jsonb | Free-form tags for resource. This tags can be applied by any user with permissions on the resource. | |
id | text | = | The OCID of the image. |
launch_mode | text | Specifies the configuration mode for launching virtual machine (VM) instances. | |
launch_options | jsonb | LaunchOptions Options for tuning the compatibility and performance of VM shapes. | |
lifecycle_state | text | = | The image's current state. |
operating_system | text | = | The image's operating system. |
operating_system_version | text | = | The image's operating system version. |
region | text | The OCI region in which the resource is located. | |
size_in_mbs | bigint | The boot volume size for an instance launched from this image. | |
sp_connection_name | text | =, !=, ~~, ~~*, !~~, !~~* | Steampipe connection name. |
sp_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form. | |
tags | jsonb | A map of tags for the resource. | |
tenant_id | text | =, !=, ~~, ~~*, !~~, !~~* | The OCID of the Tenant in which the resource is located. |
tenant_name | text | The name of the Tenant in which the resource is located. | |
time_created | timestamp with time zone | The date and time the image was created. | |
title | text | Title of the resource. |
This table is available as a standalone Exporter CLI. Steampipe exporters are stand-alone binaries that allow you to extract data using Steampipe plugins without a database.
You can download the tarball for your platform from the Releases page, but it is simplest to install them with the
/bin/sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" -- oci
You can pass the configuration to the command with the --config
steampipe_export_oci --config '<your_config>' oci_core_image_custom