Table: steampipecloud_workspace_mod_variable
Variables are module level objects that allow you to pass values to your module at runtime. When running Steampipe, you can pass values on the command line or from a .spvars file, and you will be prompted for any variables that have no values.
List basic information for all variables for a mod in a workspace
select id, name, description, value_default, value_setting, value, typefrom steampipecloud_workspace_mod_variablewhere workspace_id = 'w_cafeina2ip835d2eoacg' and mod_alias = 'aws_thrifty';
List all variables which have an explicit setting in a workspace mod
select id, name, description, value_default, value_setting, value, typefrom steampipecloud_workspace_mod_variablewhere workspace_id = 'w_cafeina2ip835d2eoacg' and mod_alias = 'aws_thrifty' and value_setting is not null;
List details about a particular variable in a workspace mod
select id, name, description, value_default, value_setting, value, typefrom steampipecloud_workspace_mod_variablewhere workspace_id = 'w_cafeina2ip835d2eoacg' and mod_alias = 'aws_tags' and name = 'mandatory_tags';
Schema for steampipecloud_workspace_mod_variable
Name | Type | Operators | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name. | |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | Time when the mod variable was created. | |
created_by | jsonb | Information about the user who created the Setting. | |
created_by_id | text | Unique identifier of the user who created the setting. | |
description | text | Description of the variable. | |
id | text | The unique identifier for the workspace mod variable. | |
mod_alias | text | = | The alias of the mod to which the variable belongs to. |
name | text | Name of the variable. | |
type | text | Type of value expected by the variable. | |
updated_at | timestamp with time zone | Time when the mod variable was last updated. | |
updated_by | jsonb | Information about the user who updated the Setting. | |
updated_by_id | text | Unique identifier of the user who last updated the setting. | |
value | jsonb | Winning Value of the variable. | |
value_default | jsonb | Default Value of the variable. | |
value_setting | jsonb | An explicit setting defined for the variable. | |
version_id | bigint | The current version ID of the variable. | |
workspace_id | text | = | The identifier of the workspace to which the variable belongs. |