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Table: digitalocean_balance - Query DigitalOcean Balances using SQL

DigitalOcean Balance is a feature that allows users to monitor their account's balance and usage. It provides a detailed view of the account's current balance, the amount used in the current billing month, and the projected amount for the next billing month. This feature is useful for managing expenses and understanding the cost implications of DigitalOcean resources.

Table Usage Guide

The digitalocean_balance table provides insights into the account's balance and usage within DigitalOcean. As an account manager or financial analyst, explore balance-specific details through this table, including the current balance, month-to-date usage, and projected next month's usage. Utilize it to manage expenses, understand cost implications, and plan for future resource usage.


Get the balance

Explore your DigitalOcean account's current balance to understand your usage costs and manage your budget effectively. This helps you keep track of your expenses and plan for future resource allocation.


Schema for digitalocean_balance

_ctxjsonbSteampipe context in JSON form.
account_balancedouble precisionCurrent balance of the customer's most recent billing activity. Does not reflect month_to_date_usage.
generated_attimestamp with time zoneThe time at which balances were most recently generated.
month_to_date_balancedouble precisionBalance as of the generated_at time. This value includes the account_balance and month_to_date_usage.
month_to_date_usagedouble precisionAmount used in the current billing period as of the generated_at time.
sp_connection_nametext=, !=, ~~, ~~*, !~~, !~~*Steampipe connection name.
sp_ctxjsonbSteampipe context in JSON form.