Table: digitalocean_size - Query DigitalOcean Droplet Sizes using SQL
DigitalOcean Droplet Sizes represent different configurations of CPU, memory, and storage that can be used for Droplets. These configurations determine the hardware of the host machine and have different costs associated with them. Droplet Sizes are predefined and cannot be customized.
Table Usage Guide
The digitalocean_size
table provides insights into available configurations for DigitalOcean Droplets. As a system administrator or DevOps engineer, explore droplet size-specific details through this table, including memory, vCPUs, disk size, and transfer limits. Utilize it to understand the specifications and costs of different droplet configurations, aiding in informed decision making for resource allocation and cost management.
List all sizes
Explore the different available options in your DigitalOcean environment, including memory, disk, and CPU specifications, to better understand your current resource utilization and plan for future needs. This can help you manage your resources more effectively and ensure your applications have the resources they need to run smoothly.
select *from digitalocean_size;
select *from digitalocean_size;
Most expensive sizes
Analyze the settings to understand the most costly configurations in terms of monthly expenses. This query can be used to identify potential areas for cost optimization by pinpointing the top ten most expensive sizes.
select slug, vcpus, memory, disk, price_hourly, price_monthlyfrom digitalocean_sizeorder by price_monthly desclimit 10;
select slug, vcpus, memory, disk, price_hourly, price_monthlyfrom digitalocean_sizeorder by price_monthly desclimit 10;
Sizes available in Bangalore
Explore which size options are available in a specific region, like Bangalore, to understand the monthly pricing and make informed decisions for resource allocation. This is helpful in planning your budget and operational needs in the given region.
select slug, price_monthlyfrom digitalocean_sizewhere regions ? 'blr1' and available;
select slug, price_monthlyfrom digitalocean_sizewhere json_extract(regions, '$.blr1') is not null and available = 1;
Schema for digitalocean_size
Name | Type | Operators | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form. | |
akas | jsonb | Array of globally unique identifier strings (also known as) for the resource. | |
available | boolean | An array containing the region slugs where this size is available for Droplet creates. | |
disk | bigint | The amount of disk space set aside for Droplets of this size. The value is represented in gigabytes. | |
memory | bigint | The amount of RAM allocated to Droplets created of this size. The value is represented in megabytes. | |
price_hourly | double precision | This describes the price of the Droplet size as measured hourly. The value is measured in US dollars. | |
price_monthly | double precision | This attribute describes the monthly cost of this Droplet size if the Droplet is kept for an entire month. The value is measured in US dollars. | |
regions | jsonb | An array containing the region slugs where this size is available for Droplet creates. | |
slug | text | This is a boolean value that represents whether new Droplets can be created with this size. | |
sp_connection_name | text | =, !=, ~~, ~~*, !~~, !~~* | Steampipe connection name. |
sp_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form. | |
tags | jsonb | A map of tags for the resource. | |
title | text | Title of the resource. | |
transfer | double precision | The amount of transfer bandwidth that is available for Droplets created in this size. This only counts traffic on the public interface. The value is given in terabytes. | |
vcpus | bigint | The integer of number CPUs allocated to Droplets of this size. |