steampipe plugin install gcp

Table: gcp_vertex_ai_notebook_runtime_template

GCP Vertex AI Notebook Runtime Template


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Schema for gcp_vertex_ai_notebook_runtime_template

_ctxjsonbSteampipe context in JSON form.
akasjsonbArray of globally unique identifier strings (also known as) for the resource.
create_timetimestamp with time zoneTimestamp when this Notebook Runtime Template was created.
data_persistent_disk_specjsonbThe specification of persistent disk attached to the runtime as data disk storage.
descriptiontextThe description of the Notebook Runtime Template.
display_nametextThe display name of the Notebook Runtime Template.
etagtextUsed to perform consistent read-modify-write updates.
euc_configjsonbThe EUC (End User Computing) configuration of the Notebook Runtime Template.
idle_shutdown_configjsonbThe idle shutdown configuration of the Notebook Runtime Template.
is_defaultbooleanSpecifies whether this is the default template.
locationtextThe GCP multi-region, region, or zone in which the resource is located.
machine_specjsonbThe specification of a single machine for the template.
nametext=The resource name of the Notebook Runtime Template.
network_specjsonbThe specification of the network for the Notebook Runtime Template.
network_tagsjsonbThe Compute Engine network tags to add to the runtime.
notebook_runtime_typetextThe type of the notebook runtime template.
projecttext=, !=, ~~, ~~*, !~~, !~~*The GCP Project in which the resource is located.
service_accounttextThe service account that the runtime workload runs as.
shielded_vm_configjsonbThe configuration for Shielded VM for the runtime template.
sp_connection_nametext=, !=, ~~, ~~*, !~~, !~~*Steampipe connection name.
sp_ctxjsonbSteampipe context in JSON form.
tagsjsonbA map of tags for the resource.
titletextTitle of the resource.
update_timetimestamp with time zoneTimestamp when this Notebook Runtime Template was last updated.


This table is available as a standalone Exporter CLI. Steampipe exporters are stand-alone binaries that allow you to extract data using Steampipe plugins without a database.

You can download the tarball for your platform from the Releases page, but it is simplest to install them with the script:

/bin/sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" -- gcp

You can pass the configuration to the command with the --config argument:

steampipe_export_gcp --config '<your_config>' gcp_vertex_ai_notebook_runtime_template