steampipe plugin install theapsgroup/gitlab

Table: gitlab_group_hook

Obtain information about the hooks for specific group in the GitLab instance.


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Schema for gitlab_group_hook

_ctxjsonbSteampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name.
confidential_issues_eventsbooleanIndicates if confidential issue events will be sent to the hook.
confidential_note_eventsbooleanIndicates if confidential note events will be sent to the hook.
created_attimestamp with time zoneTimestamp of when the hook was created.
deployment_eventsbooleanIndicates if deployment events will be sent to the hook.
enable_ssl_verificationbooleanIndicates if SSL verification is enabled for the hook.
group_idbigint=The group id - link to`.
idbigintThe ID of the hook.
issues_eventsbooleanIndicates if issue events will be sent to the hook.
job_eventsbooleanIndicates if job events will be sent to the hook.
merge_requests_eventsbooleanIndicates if merge request events will be sent to the hook.
note_eventsbooleanIndicates if note events will be sent to the hook.
pipeline_eventsbooleanIndicates if pipeline events will be sent to the hook.
push_eventsbooleanIndicates if push events will be sent to the hook.
push_events_branch_filtertextThe filter for branches on which to send push events to the hook.
releases_eventsbooleanIndicates if release events will be sent to the hook.
subgroup_eventsbooleanIndicates if events from sub-groups will be sent to the hook.
tag_push_eventsbooleanIndicates if tag push events will be sent to the hook.
urltextThe url the hook invokes.
wiki_page_eventsbooleanIndicates if wiki events will be sent to the hook.