steampipe plugin install theapsgroup/gitlab

Table: gitlab_my_issue

Issues are used to track bugs, feature requests, tasks, etc on GitLab.

The gitlab_my_issue table can be used to query information against issues created by or assigned to the authenticated user in the GitLab instance.


Obtain all your issues


Schema for gitlab_my_issue

_ctxjsonbSteampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name.
assigneetextThe username of the user assigned to the issue - link to `gitlab_user.username`
assignee_idbigintThe ID of the user assigned to the issue - link to ``.
assigneesjsonbAn array of assigned usernames, for when more than one user is assigned.
authortextThe username of the author - link to `gitlab_user.username`.
author_idbigintThe ID of the author - link to ``.
author_nametextThe display name of the author
closed_attimestamp with time zoneTimestamp of when issue was closed. (null if not closed).
closed_bytextThe username of the user whom closed the issue - link to `gitlab_user.username`.
closed_by_idbigintThe ID of the user whom closed the issue - link to ``.
confidentialbooleanIndicates if the issue is marked as confidential.
created_attimestamp with time zoneTimestamp of issue creation.
descriptiontextThe description of the Issue.
discussion_lockedbooleanIndicates if the issue has the discussions locked against new input.
downvotesbigintCount of down-votes received on the issue.
due_datetimestamp with time zoneTimestamp of due date for the issue to be completed by.
epic_group_idbigintThe group ID of the associated epic.
epic_idbigintThe ID of the associated epic.
epic_iidbigintThe IID of the associated epic.
epic_issue_idbigintEpic issue id.
epic_titletextTitle of the associated epic.
epic_urltextThe url of the associated epic.
external_idtextThe external ID of the issue.
full_reftextFull reference of the issue.
idbigintThe ID of the Issue.
iidbigintThe instance ID of the Issue.
issue_link_idbigintIssue link id.
issue_typetextThe type of issue.
labelsjsonbAn array of strings for the textual labels applied to the issue.
merge_requests_countbigintCount of merge requests associated with the issue.
milestone_created_attimestamp with time zoneTimestamp at which the milestone was created.
milestone_descriptiontextThe description of the milestone.
milestone_due_datetimestamp with time zoneTimestamp of due date for the milestone to be completed by.
milestone_expiredbooleanIndicates if the milestone is expired.
milestone_idbigintThe ID of the milestone the issues is placed into.
milestone_iidbigintThe instance id of the milestone
milestone_start_datetimestamp with time zoneTimestamp of when the milestone was started.
milestone_statetextThe current state of the milestone.
milestone_titletextThe title of the milestone.
milestone_updated_attimestamp with time zoneTimestamp at which the milestone was updated.
project_idbigintThe ID of the project - link to ``.
rel_reftextRelative reference of the issue.
short_reftextShort reference of the issue.
statetextThe state of the Issue (opened, closed, etc).
subscribedbooleanIndicates if current user is subscribed to the issue.
time_estimatebigintTime estimated against the issue.
titletextThe title of the Issue.
total_time_spentbigintTotal time spent on the issue.
updated_attimestamp with time zoneTimestamp of last update to the issue.
upvotesbigintCount of up-votes received on the issue.
user_notes_countbigintCount of user notes on the issue.
web_urltextThe url to access the issue.
weightbigintThe weight assigned to the issue.