steampipe plugin install theapsgroup/gitlab

Table: gitlab_project_member

A project member is a user that is associated to a specific project.

The gitlab_project_member table can be used to query information members of a specific project.

However, you must specify a project_id in the where or join clause.


List all members for a specific project

project_id = 123;

Schema for gitlab_project_member

_ctxjsonbSteampipe context in JSON form, e.g. connection_name.
access_desctextThe descriptive of the access level held by the project member.
access_levelbigintThe access level the project member holds within the project.
avatar_urltextThe url of the project members avatar.
created_attimestamp with time zoneTimestamp at which the user was created.
expires_attimestamp with time zoneThe date of expiration of access to the project.
idbigintThe id of the project member - link to ``
nametextThe name of the project member.
project_idbigint=The project id - link to`.
statetextThe state of the project member active, blocked, etc
usernametextThe username of the project member - link to `gitlab_user.username`.
web_urltextThe url for profile of the project member.