Table: aws_dlm_lifecycle_policy - Query AWS DLM Lifecycle Policies using SQL
The AWS DLM (Data Lifecycle Manager) Lifecycle Policy is a service that automates the creation, retention, and deletion of Amazon EBS volume snapshots. This service eliminates the need for custom scripts and manual operations to manage the lifecycle of EBS volume snapshots. It allows you to manage the lifecycle of your snapshots with policy-based management, reducing the cost and effort of data backup, disaster recovery, and migration tasks.
Table Usage Guide
The aws_dlm_lifecycle_policy
table in Steampipe provides you with information about DLM (Data Lifecycle Manager) lifecycle policies within AWS. This table enables you, as a DevOps engineer, to query policy-specific details, including policy ID, policy description, state, status message, and execution details. You can utilize this table to gather insights on policies, such as the policy execution frequency, target tags, and retention rules. The schema outlines the various attributes of the DLM lifecycle policy for you, including policy ARN, creation date, policy details, and associated tags.
Basic Info
Explore which AWS Data Lifecycle Manager policies have been created and when, to manage and monitor the lifecycle of your AWS resources effectively.
select policy_id, arn, date_createdfrom aws_dlm_lifecycle_policy;
select policy_id, arn, date_createdfrom aws_dlm_lifecycle_policy;
List policies where snapshot sharing is scheduled
Determine the areas in which snapshot sharing is scheduled within your policy settings. This helps to identify potential security risks and ensure data integrity.
select policy_id, arn, date_created, policy_type, s ->> 'ShareRules' as share_rulesfrom aws_dlm_lifecycle_policy, jsonb_array_elements(policy_details -> 'Schedules') swhere s ->> 'ShareRules' is not null;
select policy_id, arn, date_created, policy_type, json_extract(s.value, '$.ShareRules') as share_rulesfrom aws_dlm_lifecycle_policy, json_each(json_extract(policy_details, '$.Schedules')) as swhere json_extract(s.value, '$.ShareRules') is not null;
List policies where cross-region copying is scheduled
Explore policies that have cross-region copying scheduled. This is useful to identify and manage data replication across different geographical areas for redundancy and disaster recovery purposes.
select policy_id, arn, date_created, policy_type, s ->> 'CrossRegionCopyRules' as cross_region_copy_rulesfrom aws_dlm_lifecycle_policy, jsonb_array_elements(policy_details -> 'Schedules') swhere s ->> 'CrossRegionCopyRules' is not null;
select policy_id, arn, date_created, policy_type, json_extract(s.value, '$.CrossRegionCopyRules') as cross_region_copy_rulesfrom aws_dlm_lifecycle_policy, json_each(json_extract(policy_details, '$.Schedules')) as swhere json_extract(s.value, '$.CrossRegionCopyRules') is not null;
List maximum snapshots allowed to be retained after each schedule
Discover the segments that have rules for cross-region copying in your AWS DLM lifecycle policies. This can be useful to manage and optimize your data lifecycle, especially if you have policies that need to retain a certain number of snapshots across different regions for backup or disaster recovery purposes.
select policy_id, arn, date_created, policy_type, s -> 'RetainRule' ->> 'Count' as retain_countfrom aws_dlm_lifecycle_policy, jsonb_array_elements(policy_details -> 'Schedules') swhere s -> 'RetainRule' is not null;
select policy_id, arn, date_created, policy_type, json_extract(json_extract(s.value, '$.RetainRule'), '$.Count') as retain_countfrom aws_dlm_lifecycle_policy, json_each(json_extract(policy_details, '$.Schedules')) as swhere json_extract(s.value, '$.RetainRule') is not null;
Schema for aws_dlm_lifecycle_policy
Name | Type | Operators | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form. | |
account_id | text | =, !=, ~~, ~~*, !~~, !~~* | The AWS Account ID in which the resource is located. |
akas | jsonb | Array of globally unique identifier strings (also known as) for the resource. | |
arn | text | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the policy. | |
date_created | timestamp with time zone | The local date and time when the lifecycle policy was created. | |
date_modified | timestamp with time zone | The local date and time when the lifecycle policy was last modified. | |
default_policy | boolean | The type of default policy. | |
description | text | The description of the lifecycle policy. | |
execution_role_arn | text | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role used to run the operations specified by the lifecycle policy. | |
partition | text | The AWS partition in which the resource is located (aws, aws-cn, or aws-us-gov). | |
policy_details | jsonb | The configuration of the lifecycle policy. | |
policy_id | text | = | The identifier of the lifecycle policy. |
policy_type | text | The type of policy. | |
region | text | The AWS Region in which the resource is located. | |
sp_connection_name | text | =, !=, ~~, ~~*, !~~, !~~* | Steampipe connection name. |
sp_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form. | |
state | text | The activation state of the lifecycle policy. | |
status_message | text | The description of the status. | |
tags | jsonb | A map of tags for the resource. | |
title | text | Title of the resource. |
This table is available as a standalone Exporter CLI. Steampipe exporters are stand-alone binaries that allow you to extract data using Steampipe plugins without a database.
You can download the tarball for your platform from the Releases page, but it is simplest to install them with the
/bin/sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" -- aws
You can pass the configuration to the command with the --config
steampipe_export_aws --config '<your_config>' aws_dlm_lifecycle_policy