Table: aws_pricing_product - Query AWS Pricing Product using SQL
The AWS Pricing Product is a service that provides pricing information for AWS services. It allows you to retrieve current or historical prices and understand your costs for AWS services better. This service is essential for cost management and optimization in an AWS environment.
Table Usage Guide
The aws_pricing_product
table in Steampipe provides you with information about pricing products within AWS Pricing. This table allows you, whether you're a financial analyst, cloud cost manager, or DevOps engineer, to query product-specific details, including product descriptions, pricing details, and associated attributes. You can utilize this table to gather insights on products, such as the cost of each AWS service, the pricing model, and the location. The schema outlines the various attributes of the pricing product for you, including the product description, pricing details, and associated attributes.
List pricing offers for on-demand shared EC2 c5.2xlarge without pre-installed software, with Linux OS
Determine the pricing options for on-demand shared EC2 c5.2xlarge instances without pre-installed software, running on Linux OS. This is useful for cost planning and budgeting for your AWS resources.
select term, purchase_option, lease_contract_length, unit, price_per_unit :: numeric :: money, currency, begin_range, end_range, effective_date, description, attributes ->> 'instanceType', attributes ->> 'vcpu', attributes ->> 'memory', attributes ->> 'operatingSystem', attributes ->> 'preInstalledSw'from aws_pricing_productwhere service_code = 'AmazonEC2' and filters = '{ "regionCode": "eu-west-3", "locationType": "AWS Region", "instanceType": "c5.2xlarge", "operatingSystem": "Linux", "tenancy": "Shared", "preInstalledSw": "NA", "capacityStatus": "Used" }' :: jsonb;
select term, purchase_option, lease_contract_length, unit, CAST(price_per_unit AS REAL) as price_per_unit, currency, begin_range, end_range, effective_date, description, json_extract(attributes, '$.instanceType'), json_extract(attributes, '$.vcpu'), json_extract(attributes, '$.memory'), json_extract(attributes, '$.operatingSystem'), json_extract(attributes, '$.preInstalledSw')from aws_pricing_productwhere service_code = 'AmazonEC2' and filters = '{ "regionCode": "eu-west-3", "locationType": "AWS Region", "instanceType": "c5.2xlarge", "operatingSystem": "Linux", "tenancy": "Shared", "preInstalledSw": "NA", "capacityStatus": "Used" }';
List pricing offers for Mysql RDS db.m5.xlarge instance in eu-west-3 in single-az deployment
Explore pricing offers for a specific type of MySQL RDS instance in a certain region and deployment. This is useful for cost analysis and budget planning for AWS services.
select term, purchase_option, lease_contract_length, unit, price_per_unit :: numeric :: money, currency, attributes ->> 'instanceType', attributes ->> 'vcpu', attributes ->> 'memory', attributes ->> 'databaseEngine', attributes ->> 'deploymentOption'from aws_pricing_productwhere service_code = 'AmazonRDS' and filters = '{ "regionCode": "eu-west-3", "locationType": "AWS Region", "instanceType": "db.m5.xlarge", "databaseEngine": "MySQL", "deploymentOption": "Single-AZ" }' :: jsonb;
select term, purchase_option, lease_contract_length, unit, price_per_unit, currency, json_extract(attributes, '$.instanceType'), json_extract(attributes, '$.vcpu'), json_extract(attributes, '$.memory'), json_extract(attributes, '$.databaseEngine'), json_extract(attributes, '$.deploymentOption')from aws_pricing_productwhere service_code = 'AmazonRDS' and filters = '{ "regionCode": "eu-west-3", "locationType": "AWS Region", "instanceType": "db.m5.xlarge", "databaseEngine": "MySQL", "deploymentOption": "Single-AZ" }';
List pricing offers for Redis ElasticCache cache.m5.xlarge instances in eu-west-3
Explore the different pricing options available for Redis ElasticCache cache.m5.xlarge instances in the eu-west-3 region. This can help to make informed decisions about cost management and budgeting.
select term, purchase_option, lease_contract_length, unit, price_per_unit :: numeric :: money, currency, attributes ->> 'instanceType', attributes ->> 'vcpu', attributes ->> 'memory', attributes ->> 'cacheEngine'from aws_pricing_productwhere service_code = 'AmazonElastiCache' and filters = '{ "regionCode": "eu-west-3", "locationType": "AWS Region", "instanceType": "cache.m5.xlarge", "cacheEngine": "Redis" }' :: jsonb;
select term, purchase_option, lease_contract_length, unit, price_per_unit, currency, json_extract(attributes, '$.instanceType'), json_extract(attributes, '$.vcpu'), json_extract(attributes, '$.memory'), json_extract(attributes, '$.cacheEngine')from aws_pricing_productwhere service_code = 'AmazonElastiCache' and filters = '{ "regionCode": "eu-west-3", "locationType": "AWS Region", "instanceType": "cache.m5.xlarge", "cacheEngine": "Redis" }';
Schema for aws_pricing_product
Name | Type | Operators | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form. | |
account_id | text | =, !=, ~~, ~~*, !~~, !~~* | The AWS Account ID in which the resource is located. |
attributes | jsonb | Product attributes. | |
begin_range | text | Start of billing range, by unit | |
currency | text | Currency used for the price | |
description | text | Description for a product / offer / pricing-tier combination. | |
effective_date | timestamp with time zone | The effective date of the pricing details. | |
end_range | text | Enf of billing range, by unit | |
filters | jsonb | = | Product filtering by attribute. |
lease_contract_length | text | The length of time that your RI is reserved for. | |
offering_class | text | The type of RI (Standard or Convertible). | |
partition | text | The AWS partition in which the resource is located (aws, aws-cn, or aws-us-gov). | |
price_per_unit | text | Price by unit | |
publication_date | timestamp with time zone | The publication date of the offer. | |
purchase_option | text | How you chose to pay for this line item (All Upfront, Partial Upfront, No Upfront). | |
rate_code | text | A unique code for a product/ offer/ pricing-tier combination. | |
service_code | text | = | This identifies the specific AWS service to the customer as a unique short abbreviation. |
sp_connection_name | text | =, !=, ~~, ~~*, !~~, !~~* | Steampipe connection name. |
sp_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form. | |
term | text | Whether your AWS usage is Reserved or On-Demand. | |
unit | text | The pricing unit that AWS used for calculating your usage cost (ex: hours) | |
version | text | The publication version of the offer. |
This table is available as a standalone Exporter CLI. Steampipe exporters are stand-alone binaries that allow you to extract data using Steampipe plugins without a database.
You can download the tarball for your platform from the Releases page, but it is simplest to install them with the
/bin/sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" -- aws
You can pass the configuration to the command with the --config
steampipe_export_aws --config '<your_config>' aws_pricing_product