Table: aws_lakeformation_permission - Query AWS Lake Formation Permissions Using SQL
The aws_lakeformation_permission
table allows you to query AWS Lake Formation permissions, providing insights into who has access to data lake resources, what permissions they hold, and which AWS resources those permissions apply to. This table helps data governance teams and security administrators monitor data access controls in AWS Lake Formation.
Table Usage Guide
The aws_lakeformation_permission
table provides detailed information about permissions granted in AWS Lake Formation, including the principals (IAM users, roles, or AWS services) who have permissions, the resource types such as databases, tables, columns, LF-tags, and data locations, and the types of permissions granted, including SELECT
, and ALL
. It also includes details on grant options, indicating whether the principal can delegate permissions to others, and last updated timestamps to track permission changes.
List all AWS Lake Formation permissions
Retrieve a list of all granted permissions, including the principal and resource type.
select principal_identifier, database_name, table_name, permissionsfrom aws_lakeformation_permission;
select principal_identifier, database_name, table_name, permissionsfrom aws_lakeformation_permission;
Find permissions granted to a specific IAM Role
Identify all Lake Formation permissions granted to an IAM role.
select principal_identifier, resource_catalog_id, database_name, table_name, permissionsfrom aws_lakeformation_permissionwhere principal_identifier = 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/MyLakeFormationRole';
select principal_identifier, resource_catalog_id, database_name, table_name, permissionsfrom aws_lakeformation_permissionwhere principal_identifier = 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/MyLakeFormationRole';
Find permissions granted on a specific database
Retrieve all permissions on a particular database.
select principal_identifier, permissions, last_updatedfrom aws_lakeformation_permissionwhere database_name = 'my_database';
select principal_identifier, permissions, last_updatedfrom aws_lakeformation_permissionwhere database_name = 'my_database';
List permissions with grant options enabled
Identify permissions where a principal can grant access to others.
select principal_identifier, database_name, table_name, permissions_with_grant_optionfrom aws_lakeformation_permissionwhere jsonb_array_length(permissions_with_grant_option) > 0;
select principal_identifier, database_name, table_name, permissions_with_grant_optionfrom aws_lakeformation_permissionwhere jsonb_array_length(permissions_with_grant_option) > 0;
Get permissions associated with LF-tags
Retrieve Lake Formation tag-based access permissions.
select lf_tag_key, lf_tag_values, principal_identifier, permissionsfrom aws_lakeformation_permissionwhere lf_tag_key is not null;
select lf_tag_key, lf_tag_values, principal_identifier, permissionsfrom aws_lakeformation_permissionwhere lf_tag_key is not null;
Find IAM principals with access to LF-tags
This query identifies who has permissions on LF-tagged resources, helping enforce tag-based access control (ABAC).
select p.principal_identifier, t.tag_key, t.tag_values, p.permissionsfrom aws_lakeformation_permission p join aws_lakeformation_tag t on p.lf_tag_key = t.tag_key;
select p.principal_identifier, t.tag_key, t.tag_values, p.permissionsfrom aws_lakeformation_permission p join aws_lakeformation_tag t on p.lf_tag_key = t.tag_key;
Find IAM principals with access to registered data locations
This query identifies which IAM principals have access to registered S3 locations in the data lake.
select p.principal_identifier, r.resource_arn as s3_bucket, p.permissionsfrom aws_lakeformation_permission p join aws_lakeformation_resource r on p.data_location_resource_arn = r.resource_arn;
select p.principal_identifier, r.resource_arn as s3_bucket, p.permissionsfrom aws_lakeformation_permission p join aws_lakeformation_resource r on p.data_location_resource_arn = r.resource_arn;
Schema for aws_lakeformation_permission
Name | Type | Operators | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form. | |
account_id | text | =, !=, ~~, ~~*, !~~, !~~* | The AWS Account ID in which the resource is located. |
additional_details_resource_share | jsonb | Resource share details associated with the permission. | |
condition_expression | text | The condition expression associated with the permission. | |
data_location_catalog_id | text | = | The catalog ID associated with the data location resource. |
data_location_resource_arn | text | = | The ARN of the data location resource. |
database_catalog_id | text | = | The catalog ID associated with the database resource. |
database_name | text | = | The name of the database resource. |
last_updated | timestamp with time zone | The timestamp of when the permission was last updated. | |
last_updated_by | text | The principal that last updated the permission. | |
lf_tag_catalog_id | text | The catalog ID associated with the LF tag resource. | |
lf_tag_expression_catalog_id | text | The catalog ID associated with the LF tag expression resource. | |
lf_tag_expression_name | text | The name of the LF tag expression resource. | |
lf_tag_key | text | The key of the LF tag resource. | |
lf_tag_values | jsonb | The values of the LF tag resource. | |
partition | text | The AWS partition in which the resource is located (aws, aws-cn, or aws-us-gov). | |
permissions | jsonb | The permissions granted to the principal. | |
permissions_with_grant_option | jsonb | The permissions granted with the grant option. | |
principal_identifier | text | = | The identifier of the principal to whom permissions are granted. |
region | text | The AWS Region in which the resource is located. | |
resource_catalog_id | text | The catalog ID associated with the resource. | |
sp_connection_name | text | =, !=, ~~, ~~*, !~~, !~~* | Steampipe connection name. |
sp_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form. | |
table_catalog_id | text | The catalog ID associated with the table resource. | |
table_database_name | text | The database name associated with the table resource. | |
table_name | text | The name of the table resource. | |
table_with_columns_catalog_id | text | The catalog ID associated with the table with columns resource. | |
table_with_columns_column_names | jsonb | The list of column names associated with the table with columns resource. | |
table_with_columns_database_name | text | The database name associated with the table with columns resource. | |
table_with_columns_name | text | The name of the table with columns resource. | |
title | text | Title of the resource. |
This table is available as a standalone Exporter CLI. Steampipe exporters are stand-alone binaries that allow you to extract data using Steampipe plugins without a database.
You can download the tarball for your platform from the Releases page, but it is simplest to install them with the
/bin/sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" -- aws
You can pass the configuration to the command with the --config
steampipe_export_aws --config '<your_config>' aws_lakeformation_permission