Table: aws_ec2_instance - Query AWS EC2 Instances using SQL
The AWS EC2 Instance is a virtual server in Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) for running applications on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure. It provides scalable computing capacity in the AWS cloud, eliminating the need to invest in hardware up front, so you can develop and deploy applications faster. With EC2, you can launch as many or as few virtual servers as you need, configure security and networking, and manage storage.
Table Usage Guide
The aws_ec2_instance
table in Steampipe provides you with information about EC2 Instances within AWS Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). This table allows you, as a DevOps engineer, to query instance-specific details, including instance state, launch time, instance type, and associated metadata. You can utilize this table to gather insights on instances, such as instances with specific tags, instances in a specific state, instances of a specific type, and more. The schema outlines the various attributes of the EC2 instance for you, including the instance ID, instance state, instance type, and associated tags.
Instance count in each availability zone
Discover the distribution of instances across different availability zones and types within your AWS EC2 service. This helps in understanding load balancing and can aid in optimizing resource utilization.
select placement_availability_zone as az, instance_type, count(*)from aws_ec2_instancegroup by placement_availability_zone, instance_type;
select placement_availability_zone as az, instance_type, count(*)from aws_ec2_instancegroup by placement_availability_zone, instance_type;
List instances whose detailed monitoring is not enabled
Determine the areas in which detailed monitoring is not enabled for your AWS EC2 instances. This is useful for identifying potential blind spots in your system's monitoring coverage.
select instance_id, monitoring_statefrom aws_ec2_instancewhere monitoring_state = 'disabled';
select instance_id, monitoring_statefrom aws_ec2_instancewhere monitoring_state = 'disabled';
Count the number of instances by instance type
Determine the distribution of your virtual servers based on their configurations, allowing you to assess your resource allocation and optimize your infrastructure management strategy.
select instance_type, count(instance_type) as countfrom aws_ec2_instancegroup by instance_type;
select instance_type, count(instance_type) as countfrom aws_ec2_instancegroup by instance_type;
List instances stopped for more than 30 days
Determine the areas in which AWS EC2 instances have been stopped for over 30 days. This can be useful for identifying and managing instances that may be unnecessarily consuming resources or costing money.
select instance_id, instance_state, launch_time, state_transition_timefrom aws_ec2_instancewhere instance_state = 'stopped' and state_transition_time <= (current_date - interval '30' day);
select instance_id, instance_state, launch_time, state_transition_timefrom aws_ec2_instancewhere instance_state = 'stopped' and state_transition_time <= date('now', '-30 day');
List of instances without application tag key
Determine the areas in which EC2 instances are lacking the 'application' tag. This is useful to identify instances that may not be following your organization's tagging strategy, ensuring better resource management and cost tracking.
select instance_id, tagsfrom aws_ec2_instancewhere not tags :: JSONB ? 'application';
select instance_id, tagsfrom aws_ec2_instancewhere json_extract(tags, '$.application') is null;
Get maintenance options for each instance
Determine the status of each instance's automatic recovery feature to plan for potential maintenance needs. This can help in understanding the instances' resilience and ensure uninterrupted services.
select instance_id, instance_state, launch_time, maintenance_options ->> 'AutoRecovery' as auto_recoveryfrom aws_ec2_instance;
select instance_id, instance_state, launch_time, json_extract(maintenance_options, '$.AutoRecovery') as auto_recoveryfrom aws_ec2_instance;
Get license details for each instance
Determine the license details associated with each of your instances to better manage and track your licensing agreements. This can help ensure compliance and avoid potential legal issues.
select instance_id, instance_type, instance_state, l ->> 'LicenseConfigurationArn' as license_configuration_arnfrom aws_ec2_instance, jsonb_array_elements(licenses) as l;
select instance_id, instance_type, instance_state, json_extract(l.value, '$.LicenseConfigurationArn') as license_configuration_arnfrom aws_ec2_instance, json_each(licenses) as l;
Get placement group details for each instance
This query can be used to gain insights into the geographic distribution and configuration of your AWS EC2 instances. It helps in managing resources efficiently by understanding their placement details such as affinity, availability zone, and tenancy.
select instance_id, instance_state, placement_affinity, placement_group_id, placement_group_name, placement_availability_zone, placement_host_id, placement_host_resource_group_arn, placement_partition_number, placement_tenancyfrom aws_ec2_instance;
select instance_id, instance_state, placement_affinity, placement_group_id, placement_group_name, placement_availability_zone, placement_host_id, placement_host_resource_group_arn, placement_partition_number, placement_tenancyfrom aws_ec2_instance;
List of EC2 instances provisioned with undesired(for example t2.large and m3.medium is desired) instance type(s).
Identify instances where EC2 instances have been provisioned with types other than the desired ones, such as t2.large and m3.medium. This can help you manage your resources more effectively by spotting any instances that may not meet your specific needs or standards.
select instance_type, count(*) as countfrom aws_ec2_instancewhere instance_type not in ('t2.large', 'm3.medium')group by instance_type;
select instance_type, count(*) as countfrom aws_ec2_instancewhere instance_type not in ('t2.large', 'm3.medium')group by instance_type;
List EC2 instances having termination protection safety feature enabled
Identify instances where the termination protection safety feature is enabled in EC2 instances. This is beneficial for preventing accidental terminations and ensuring system stability.
select instance_id, disable_api_terminationfrom aws_ec2_instancewhere not disable_api_termination;
select instance_id, disable_api_terminationfrom aws_ec2_instancewhere disable_api_termination = 0;
Find instances which have default security group attached
Discover the segments that have the default security group attached to them in order to identify potential security risks. This is useful for maintaining optimal security practices and ensuring that instances are not using default settings, which may be more vulnerable.
select instance_id, sg ->> 'GroupId' as group_id, sg ->> 'GroupName' as group_namefrom aws_ec2_instance cross join jsonb_array_elements(security_groups) as sgwhere sg ->> 'GroupName' = 'default';
select instance_id, json_extract(sg.value, '$.GroupId') as group_id, json_extract(sg.value, '$.GroupName') as group_namefrom aws_ec2_instance, json_each(aws_ec2_instance.security_groups) as sgwhere json_extract(sg.value, '$.GroupName') = 'default';
List the unencrypted volumes attached to the instances
Identify instances where data storage volumes attached to cloud-based virtual servers are not encrypted. This is useful for enhancing security measures by locating potential vulnerabilities where sensitive data might be exposed.
select i.instance_id, vols -> 'Ebs' ->> 'VolumeId' as vol_id, vol.encryptedfrom aws_ec2_instance as i cross join jsonb_array_elements(block_device_mappings) as vols join aws_ebs_volume as vol on vol.volume_id = vols -> 'Ebs' ->> 'VolumeId'where not vol.encrypted;
select i.instance_id, json_extract(vols.value, '$.Ebs.VolumeId') as vol_id, vol.encryptedfrom aws_ec2_instance as i, json_each(i.block_device_mappings) as vols join aws_ebs_volume as vol on vol.volume_id = json_extract(vols.value, '$.Ebs.VolumeId')where not vol.encrypted;
List instances with secrets in user data
Discover the instances that might contain sensitive information in their user data. This is beneficial in identifying potential security risks and ensuring data privacy compliance.
select instance_id, user_datafrom aws_ec2_instancewhere user_data like any (array [ '%pass%', '%secret%', '%token%', '%key%' ]) or user_data ~ '(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d)(?=.*[@$!%*?&])[A-Za-z\d@$!%*?&]';
select instance_id, user_datafrom aws_ec2_instancewhere user_data like '%pass%' or user_data like '%secret%' or user_data like '%token%' or user_data like '%key%' or ( user_data REGEXP '[a-z]' and user_data REGEXP '[A-Z]' and user_data REGEXP '\d' and user_data REGEXP '[@$!%*?&]' );
Get launch template data for the instances
Analyze the settings to understand the configuration and specifications of your cloud instances. This can help you assess the elements within your instances, such as network interfaces and capacity reservation specifications, which can be useful for optimizing resource usage and management.
select instance_id, launch_template_data -> 'ImageId' as image_id, launch_template_data -> 'Placement' as placement, launch_template_data -> 'DisableApiStop' as disable_api_stop, launch_template_data -> 'MetadataOptions' as metadata_options, launch_template_data -> 'NetworkInterfaces' as network_interfaces, launch_template_data -> 'BlockDeviceMappings' as block_device_mappings, launch_template_data -> 'CapacityReservationSpecification' as capacity_reservation_specificationfrom aws_ec2_instance;
select instance_id, json_extract(launch_template_data, '$.ImageId') as image_id, json_extract(launch_template_data, '$.Placement') as placement, json_extract(launch_template_data, '$.DisableApiStop') as disable_api_stop, json_extract(launch_template_data, '$.MetadataOptions') as metadata_options, json_extract(launch_template_data, '$.NetworkInterfaces') as network_interfaces, json_extract(launch_template_data, '$.BlockDeviceMappings') as block_device_mappings, json_extract( launch_template_data, '$.CapacityReservationSpecification' ) as capacity_reservation_specificationfrom aws_ec2_instance;
Get subnet details for each instance
Explore the association between instances and subnets in your AWS environment. This can be helpful in understanding how resources are distributed and for planning infrastructure changes or improvements.
select i.instance_id, i.vpc_id, i.subnet_id, s.tags ->> 'Name' as subnet_namefrom aws_ec2_instance as i, aws_vpc_subnet as swhere i.subnet_id = s.subnet_id;
select i.instance_id, i.vpc_id, i.subnet_id, json_extract(s.tags, '$.Name') as subnet_namefrom aws_ec2_instance as i, aws_vpc_subnet as swhere i.subnet_id = s.subnet_id;
Query examples
- ebs_volume_attached_instances
- ebs_volumes_for_ec2_instance
- ec2_ami_instances
- ec2_application_load_balancers_for_ec2_instance
- ec2_classic_load_balancers_for_ec2_instance
- ec2_ebs_optimized_count
- ec2_gateway_load_balancers_for_ec2_instance
- ec2_instance_1_year_count
- ec2_instance_24_hours_count
- ec2_instance_30_90_days_count
- ec2_instance_30_days_count
- ec2_instance_90_365_days_count
- ec2_instance_age_table
- ec2_instance_block_device_mapping
- ec2_instance_by_account
- ec2_instance_by_creation_month
- ec2_instance_by_public_ip
- ec2_instance_by_region
- ec2_instance_by_state
- ec2_instance_by_type
- ec2_instance_count
- ec2_instance_cpu_cores
- ec2_instance_input
- ec2_instance_network_interfaces
- ec2_instance_overview
- ec2_instance_public_access
- ec2_instance_public_access_count
- ec2_instance_public_access_table
- ec2_instance_security_groups
- ec2_instance_tags
- ec2_instance_total_cores
- ec2_instance_total_cores_count
- ec2_instance_type
- ec2_instances_for_ebs_volume
- ec2_instances_for_ec2_ami
- ec2_instances_for_ec2_application_load_balancer
- ec2_instances_for_ec2_classic_load_balancer
- ec2_instances_for_ec2_gateway_load_balancer
- ec2_instances_for_ec2_network_interface
- ec2_instances_for_ec2_network_load_balancer
- ec2_instances_for_iam_role
- ec2_instances_for_vpc
- ec2_instances_for_vpc_eip
- ec2_instances_for_vpc_security_group
- ec2_instances_for_vpc_subnet
- ec2_network_interfaces_for_ec2_instance
- ec2_network_load_balancers_for_ec2_instance
- ec2_public_instance_count
- ec2_target_groups_for_ec2_instance
- ecs_cluster_container_instances
- ecs_clusters_for_ec2_instance
- ecs_container_instances_for_ecs_cluster
- ecs_container_instances_for_ecs_service
- emr_cluster_instance
- iam_roles_for_ec2_instance
- vpc_eip_association_details
- vpc_eips_for_ec2_instance
- vpc_security_group_assoc
- vpc_security_group_egress_rule_sankey
- vpc_security_group_ingress_rule_sankey
- vpc_security_groups_for_ec2_instance
- vpc_subnet_association
- vpc_subnets_for_ec2_instance
- vpc_subnets_for_ecs_cluster
- vpc_vpcs_for_ec2_instance
- vpc_vpcs_for_ecs_cluster
Control examples
- All Controls > EC2 > AWS EC2 instances should have termination protection enabled
- All Controls > EC2 > AWS EC2 launch templates should not assign public IPs to network interfaces
- All Controls > EC2 > EC2 instance IAM role should not allow cloud log tampering access
- All Controls > EC2 > EC2 instance IAM role should not allow data destruction access
- All Controls > EC2 > EC2 instance IAM role should not allow database management write access
- All Controls > EC2 > EC2 instance IAM role should not allow defense evasion impact of AWS security services access
- All Controls > EC2 > EC2 instance IAM role should not allow destruction KMS access
- All Controls > EC2 > EC2 instance IAM role should not allow destruction RDS access
- All Controls > EC2 > EC2 instance IAM role should not allow elastic IP hijacking access.
- All Controls > EC2 > EC2 instance IAM role should not allow management level access
- All Controls > EC2 > EC2 instance IAM role should not allow new group creation with attached policy access
- All Controls > EC2 > EC2 instance IAM role should not allow new role creation with attached policy access
- All Controls > EC2 > EC2 instance IAM role should not allow new user creation with attached policy access
- All Controls > EC2 > EC2 instance IAM role should not allow oraganization write access
- All Controls > EC2 > EC2 instance IAM role should not allow privilege escalation risk access
- All Controls > EC2 > EC2 instance IAM role should not allow security group write access
- All Controls > EC2 > EC2 instance IAM role should not allow to alter critical s3 permissions configuration
- All Controls > EC2 > EC2 instance IAM role should not allow write access to resource based policies
- All Controls > EC2 > EC2 instance IAM role should not allow write level access
- All Controls > EC2 > EC2 instance IAM role should not allow write permission on critical s3 configuration
- All Controls > EC2 > EC2 instance IAM role should not be attached with credentials exposure access
- All Controls > EC2 > EC2 instance IAM should not allow pass role and lambda invoke function access.
- All Controls > EC2 > EC2 instances high level findings should not be there in inspector scans
- All Controls > EC2 > EC2 instances should not be attached to 'launch wizard' security groups
- All Controls > EC2 > EC2 instances user data should not have secrets
- All Controls > EC2 > Ensure EBS volumes attached to an EC2 instance is marked for deletion upon instance termination
- All Controls > EC2 > Ensure instances stopped for over 90 days are removed
- All Controls > EC2 > Ensure no AWS EC2 Instances are older than 180 days
- All Controls > EC2 > Public EC2 instances should have IAM profile attached
- All Controls > ECS > ECS cluster instances should be in a VPC
- All Controls > ECS > ECS clusters encryption at rest should be enabled
- All Controls > VPC > Unused EC2 security groups should be removed
- AWS Foundational Security Best Practices > EC2 > 17 EC2 instances should not use multiple ENIs
- AWS Foundational Security Best Practices > EC2 > 24 Paravirtual EC2 instance types should not be used
- AWS Foundational Security Best Practices > EC2 > 25 Amazon EC2 launch templates should not assign public IPs to network interfaces
- AWS Foundational Security Best Practices > EC2 > 4 Stopped EC2 instances should be removed after a specified time period
- AWS Foundational Security Best Practices > EC2 > 8 EC2 instances should use IMDSv2
- AWS Foundational Security Best Practices > EC2 > 9 EC2 instances should not have a public IP address
- AWS Foundational Security Best Practices > SSM > 1 EC2 instances should be managed by AWS Systems Manager
- CIS AWS Compute Services Benchmark v1.0.0 > 2 Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) > 2.11 Ensure instances stopped for over 90 days are removed
- CIS AWS Compute Services Benchmark v1.0.0 > 2 Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) > 2.12 Ensure EBS volumes attached to an EC2 instance is marked for deletion upon instance termination
- CIS AWS Compute Services Benchmark v1.0.0 > 2 Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) > 2.13 Ensure Secrets and Sensitive Data are not stored directly in EC2 User Data
- CIS AWS Compute Services Benchmark v1.0.0 > 2 Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) > 2.5 Ensure no AWS EC2 Instances are older than 180 days
- CIS AWS Compute Services Benchmark v1.0.0 > 2 Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) > 2.6 Ensure detailed monitoring is enable for production EC2 Instances
- CIS AWS Compute Services Benchmark v1.0.0 > 2 Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) > 2.8 Ensure the Use of IMDSv2 is Enforced on All Existing Instances
- CIS AWS Compute Services Benchmark v1.0.0 > 2 Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) > 2.9 Ensure use of AWS Systems Manager to manage EC2 instances
- CIS v2.0.0 > 5 Networking > 5.6 Ensure that EC2 Metadata Service only allows IMDSv2
- CIS v3.0.0 > 5 Networking > 5.6 Ensure that EC2 Metadata Service only allows IMDSv2
- CIS v4.0.0 > 5 Networking > 5.7 Ensure that the EC2 Metadata Service only allows IMDSv2
- EC2 instance detailed monitoring should be enabled
- EC2 instance should have EBS optimization enabled
- EC2 instances should be in a VPC
- EC2 instances should be managed by AWS Systems Manager
- EC2 instances should be protected by backup plan
- EC2 instances should have IAM profile attached
- EC2 instances should not have a public IP address
- EC2 instances should not use key pairs in running state
- EC2 instances should not use multiple ENIs
- EC2 instances should use IMDSv2
- EC2 stopped instances should be removed in 30 days
- Paravirtual EC2 instance types should not be used
Schema for aws_ec2_instance
Name | Type | Operators | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form. | |
account_id | text | =, !=, ~~, ~~*, !~~, !~~* | The AWS Account ID in which the resource is located. |
akas | jsonb | Array of globally unique identifier strings (also known as) for the resource. | |
ami_launch_index | bigint | The AMI launch index, which can be used to find this instance in the launch group. | |
architecture | text | The architecture of the image. | |
arn | text | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) specifying the instance. | |
block_device_mappings | jsonb | Block device mapping entries for the instance. | |
boot_mode | text | The boot mode of the instance. | |
capacity_reservation_id | text | The ID of the Capacity Reservation. | |
capacity_reservation_specification | jsonb | Information about the Capacity Reservation targeting option. | |
client_token | text | The idempotency token you provided when you launched the instance, if applicable. | |
cpu_options_core_count | bigint | The number of CPU cores for the instance. | |
cpu_options_threads_per_core | bigint | The number of threads per CPU core. | |
current_instance_boot_mode | text | The boot mode that is used to boot the instance at launch or start. | |
disable_api_termination | boolean | If the value is true, instance can't be terminated through the Amazon EC2 console, CLI, or API. | |
ebs_optimized | boolean | Indicates whether the instance is optimized for Amazon EBS I/O. This optimization provides dedicated throughput to Amazon EBS and an optimized configuration stack to provide optimal I/O performance. This optimization isn't available with all instance types. | |
elastic_gpu_associations | jsonb | The Elastic GPU associated with the instance. | |
elastic_inference_accelerator_associations | jsonb | The elastic inference accelerator associated with the instance. | |
ena_support | boolean | Specifies whether enhanced networking with ENA is enabled. | |
enclave_options | jsonb | Indicates whether the instance is enabled for Amazon Web Services Nitro Enclaves. | |
hibernation_options | jsonb | Indicates whether the instance is enabled for hibernation. | |
hypervisor | text | = | The hypervisor type of the instance. The value xen is used for both Xen and Nitro hypervisors. |
iam_instance_profile_arn | text | = | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of IAM instance profile associated with the instance, if applicable. |
iam_instance_profile_id | text | The ID of the instance profile associated with the instance, if applicable. | |
image_id | text | = | The ID of the AMI used to launch the instance. |
instance_id | text | = | The ID of the instance. |
instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior | text | Indicates whether an instance stops or terminates when you initiate shutdown from the instance (using the operating system command for system shutdown). | |
instance_lifecycle | text | = | Indicates whether this is a spot instance or a scheduled instance. |
instance_state | text | = | The state of the instance (pending | running | shutting-down | terminated | stopping | stopped). |
instance_status | jsonb | The status of an instance. Instance status includes scheduled events, status checks and instance state information. | |
instance_type | text | = | The instance type. |
ipv6_address | text | The IPv6 address assigned to the instance. | |
kernel_id | text | The kernel ID | |
key_name | text | The name of the key pair, if this instance was launched with an associated key pair. | |
launch_template_data | jsonb | The configuration data of the specified instance. | |
launch_time | timestamp with time zone | The time the instance was launched. | |
licenses | jsonb | The license configurations for the instance. | |
maintenance_options | jsonb | The metadata options for the instance. | |
metadata_options | jsonb | The metadata options for the instance. | |
monitoring_state | text | = | Indicates whether detailed monitoring is enabled (disabled | enabled). |
network_interfaces | jsonb | The network interfaces for the instance. | |
outpost_arn | text | = | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Outpost, if applicable. |
partition | text | The AWS partition in which the resource is located (aws, aws-cn, or aws-us-gov). | |
placement_affinity | text | The affinity setting for the instance on the Dedicated Host. | |
placement_availability_zone | text | = | The Availability Zone of the instance. |
placement_group_id | text | The ID of the placement group that the instance is in. | |
placement_group_name | text | = | The name of the placement group the instance is in. |
placement_host_id | text | The ID of the Dedicated Host on which the instance resides. | |
placement_host_resource_group_arn | text | The ARN of the host resource group in which to launch the instances. | |
placement_partition_number | bigint | The ARN of the host resource group in which to launch the instances. | |
placement_tenancy | text | = | The tenancy of the instance (if the instance is running in a VPC). An instance with a tenancy of dedicated runs on single-tenant hardware. |
platform | text | The value is 'Windows' for Windows instances; otherwise blank. | |
platform_details | text | The platform details value for the instance. | |
private_dns_name | text | The private DNS hostname name assigned to the instance. This DNS hostname can only be used inside the Amazon EC2 network. This name is not available until the instance enters the running state. | |
private_dns_name_options | jsonb | The options for the instance hostname. | |
private_ip_address | inet | The private IPv4 address assigned to the instance. | |
product_codes | jsonb | The product codes attached to this instance, if applicable. | |
public_dns_name | text | = | The public DNS name assigned to the instance. This name is not available until the instance enters the running state. |
public_ip_address | inet | The public IPv4 address, or the Carrier IP address assigned to the instance, if applicable. | |
ram_disk_id | text | = | The RAM disk ID. |
region | text | The AWS Region in which the resource is located. | |
root_device_name | text | = | The device name of the root device volume (for example, /dev/sda1). |
root_device_type | text | = | The root device type used by the AMI. The AMI can use an EBS volume or an instance store volume. |
security_groups | jsonb | The security groups for the instance. | |
source_dest_check | boolean | Specifies whether to enable an instance launched in a VPC to perform NAT. This controls whether source/destination checking is enabled on the instance. | |
sp_connection_name | text | =, !=, ~~, ~~*, !~~, !~~* | Steampipe connection name. |
sp_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form. | |
spot_instance_request_id | text | If the request is a Spot Instance request, the ID of the request. | |
sriov_net_support | text | Indicates whether enhanced networking with the Intel 82599 Virtual Function interface is enabled. | |
state_code | bigint | The reason code for the state change. | |
state_reason | jsonb | The reason for the most recent state transition. | |
state_transition_reason | text | The reason for the most recent state transition. | |
state_transition_time | timestamp with time zone | The date and time, the instance state was last modified. | |
subnet_id | text | = | The ID of the subnet in which the instance is running. |
tags | jsonb | A map of tags for the resource. | |
tags_src | jsonb | A list of tags assigned to the instance. | |
title | text | Title of the resource. | |
tpm_support | text | If the instance is configured for NitroTPM support, the value is v2.0. | |
usage_operation | text | The usage operation value for the instance. | |
usage_operation_update_time | text | The time that the usage operation was last updated. | |
user_data | text | The user data of the instance. | |
virtualization_type | text | = | The virtualization type of the instance. |
vpc_id | text | = | The ID of the VPC in which the instance is running. |
This table is available as a standalone Exporter CLI. Steampipe exporters are stand-alone binaries that allow you to extract data using Steampipe plugins without a database.
You can download the tarball for your platform from the Releases page, but it is simplest to install them with the
/bin/sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" -- aws
You can pass the configuration to the command with the --config
steampipe_export_aws --config '<your_config>' aws_ec2_instance