Table: aws_securityhub_finding - Query AWS Security Hub Findings using SQL
The AWS Security Hub Findings is a feature within AWS Security Hub that aggregates, organizes, and prioritizes your security alerts, or findings, from multiple AWS services. It also consolidates findings from different AWS services such as Amazon GuardDuty, Amazon Inspector, and Amazon Macie, as well as from AWS Partner solutions. The findings are presented as potential security issues, such as insecure configurations or malicious activity.
Table Usage Guide
The aws_securityhub_finding
table in Steampipe provides you with information about security findings within AWS Security Hub. This table allows you as a security analyst or DevOps engineer to query details about identified security issues, including their severity, status, description, the resources affected, and any recommended remediation steps. You can utilize this table to gather insights on security vulnerabilities, such as open security groups, exposed access keys, and more. The schema outlines the various attributes of the security finding for you, including the finding ARN, ID, title, description, severity, and associated resources.
Basic info
Explore the critical security findings in your AWS environment to understand their severity and level of confidence. This can help prioritize remediation efforts and improve overall security posture.
select title, id, company_name, created_at, criticality, confidencefrom aws_securityhub_finding;
select title, id, company_name, created_at, criticality, confidencefrom aws_securityhub_finding;
List findings with high severity
Determine the areas in which high severity security findings occur within your AWS Security Hub to prioritize and address significant threats effectively.
select title, product_arn, product_name, severity ->> 'Original' as severity_originalfrom aws_securityhub_findingwhere severity ->> 'Original' = 'HIGH';
select title, product_arn, product_name, json_extract(severity, '$.Original') as severity_originalfrom aws_securityhub_findingwhere json_extract(severity, '$.Original') = 'HIGH';
Count the number of findings by severity
Determine the distribution of security issues based on their severity level, providing a quick overview of the security status and helping prioritize remediation efforts.
select severity ->> 'Original' as severity_original, count(severity ->> 'Original')from aws_securityhub_findinggroup by severity ->> 'Original'order by severity ->> 'Original';
select json_extract(severity, '$.Original') as severity_original, count(json_extract(severity, '$.Original'))from aws_securityhub_findinggroup by json_extract(severity, '$.Original')order by json_extract(severity, '$.Original');
List findings with failed compliance status
Determine the areas in which security findings have failed compliance checks. This is useful for identifying potential vulnerabilities and areas that require immediate attention in your AWS Security Hub.
select title, product_arn, product_name, compliance ->> 'Status' as compliance_status, compliance ->> 'StatusReasons' as compliance_status_reasonsfrom aws_securityhub_findingwhere compliance ->> 'Status' = 'FAILED';
select title, product_arn, product_name, json_extract(compliance, '$.Status') as compliance_status, json_extract(compliance, '$.StatusReasons') as compliance_status_reasonsfrom aws_securityhub_findingwhere json_extract(compliance, '$.Status') = 'FAILED';
List findings with malware
Discover the segments that have detected malware within your AWS SecurityHub findings. This allows for quick identification of potential security threats, helping to safeguard your cloud environment.
select title, product_arn, product_name, malwarefrom aws_securityhub_findingwhere malware is not null;
select title, product_arn, product_name, malwarefrom aws_securityhub_findingwhere malware is not null;
List critical findings from the last 10 days
Explore critical security issues from the past 10 days to understand potential threats. This query is beneficial in identifying and addressing major vulnerabilities swiftly to enhance overall security.
select title, product_arn, product_name, severity ->> 'Original' as severity_originalfrom aws_securityhub_findingwhere severity ->> 'Original' = 'CRITICAL' and created_at >= now() - interval '10' day;
select title, product_arn, product_name, json_extract(severity, '$.Original') as severity_originalfrom aws_securityhub_findingwhere json_extract(severity, '$.Original') = 'CRITICAL' and created_at >= datetime('now', '-10 day');
List findings ordered by criticality
Explore the security findings from AWS Security Hub, with a focus on identifying the most critical issues first. This can aid in prioritizing security measures and addressing the most severe vulnerabilities or threats promptly.
select title, product_arn, product_name, criticalityfrom aws_securityhub_findingorder by criticality desc nulls last;
select title, product_arn, product_name, criticalityfrom aws_securityhub_findingorder by case when criticality is null then 1 else 0 end, criticality desc;
List findings for Turbot company
Explore the security findings related to the company 'Turbot' to gain insights into potential vulnerabilities or breaches. This is crucial for maintaining robust security practices and addressing any potential threats promptly.
select title, id, product_arn, product_name, company_namefrom aws_securityhub_findingwhere company_name = 'Turbot';
select title, id, product_arn, product_name, company_namefrom aws_securityhub_findingwhere company_name = 'Turbot';
List findings updated in the last 30 days
Explore the recent updates made within the last month in your security findings. This can help identify any potential security threats or issues that have surfaced recently, thereby allowing for timely response and mitigation.
select title, product_arn, product_name, updated_atfrom aws_securityhub_findingwhere updated_at >= now() - interval '30' day;
select title, product_arn, product_name, updated_atfrom aws_securityhub_findingwhere updated_at >= datetime('now', '-30 day');
List findings with workflow status NOTIFIED
Explore which security findings in your AWS environment have been flagged with a status of 'Notified'. This allows you to identify and focus on issues that have been brought to your attention, facilitating a more efficient security management process.
select title, id, product_arn, product_name, workflow_statusfrom aws_securityhub_findingwhere workflow_status = 'NOTIFIED';
select title, id, product_arn, product_name, workflow_statusfrom aws_securityhub_findingwhere workflow_status = 'NOTIFIED';
Get network detail for a particular finding
Explore the network details associated with a specific security finding to gain insights into potential security threats. This can assist in identifying the source and destination of any potential attacks, helping to bolster security measures.
select title, id, network ->> 'DestinationDomain' as network_destination_domain, network ->> 'DestinationIpV4' as network_destination_ip_v4, network ->> 'DestinationIpV6' as network_destination_ip_v6, network ->> 'DestinationPort' as network_destination_port, network ->> 'Protocol' as network_protocol, network ->> 'SourceIpV4' as network_source_ip_v4, network ->> 'SourceIpV6' as network_source_ip_v6, network ->> 'SourcePort' as network_source_portfrom aws_securityhub_findingwhere title = 'EC2 instance involved in SSH brute force attacks.';
select title, id, json_extract(network, '$.DestinationDomain') as network_destination_domain, json_extract(network, '$.DestinationIpV4') as network_destination_ip_v4, json_extract(network, '$.DestinationIpV6') as network_destination_ip_v6, json_extract(network, '$.DestinationPort') as network_destination_port, json_extract(network, '$.Protocol') as network_protocol, json_extract(network, '$.SourceIpV4') as network_source_ip_v4, json_extract(network, '$.SourceIpV6') as network_source_ip_v6, json_extract(network, '$.SourcePort') as network_source_portfrom aws_securityhub_findingwhere title = 'EC2 instance involved in SSH brute force attacks.';
Get patch summary details for a particular finding
Determine the status and details of patch installations for a specific security finding, especially useful when assessing the severity and impact of potential security threats.
select title, id, patch_summary ->> 'Id' as patch_id, patch_summary ->> 'FailedCount' as failed_count, patch_summary ->> 'InstalledCount' as installed_count, patch_summary ->> 'InstalledOtherCount' as installed_other_count, patch_summary ->> 'InstalledPendingReboot' as installed_pending_reboot, patch_summary ->> 'InstalledRejectedCount' as installed_rejected_count, patch_summary ->> 'MissingCount' as missing_count, patch_summary ->> 'Operation' as operation, patch_summary ->> 'OperationEndTime' as operation_end_time, patch_summary ->> 'OperationStartTime' as operation_start_time, patch_summary ->> 'RebootOption' as reboot_optionfrom aws_securityhub_findingwhere title = 'EC2 instance involved in SSH brute force attacks.';
select title, id, json_extract(patch_summary, '$.Id') as patch_id, json_extract(patch_summary, '$.FailedCount') as failed_count, json_extract(patch_summary, '$.InstalledCount') as installed_count, json_extract(patch_summary, '$.InstalledOtherCount') as installed_other_count, json_extract(patch_summary, '$.InstalledPendingReboot') as installed_pending_reboot, json_extract(patch_summary, '$.InstalledRejectedCount') as installed_rejected_count, json_extract(patch_summary, '$.MissingCount') as missing_count, json_extract(patch_summary, '$.Operation') as operation, json_extract(patch_summary, '$.OperationEndTime') as operation_end_time, json_extract(patch_summary, '$.OperationStartTime') as operation_start_time, json_extract(patch_summary, '$.RebootOption') as reboot_optionfrom aws_securityhub_findingwhere title = 'EC2 instance involved in SSH brute force attacks.';
Get vulnerabilities for a finding
Discover the details of potential security vulnerabilities linked to a specific finding. This query is useful in understanding the severity, vendor information, and associated vulnerabilities tied to a particular security incident, such as an SSH brute force attack on an EC2 instance.
select title, v ->> 'Id' as vulnerabilitie_id, v -> 'Vendor' ->> 'Name' as vendor_name, v -> 'Vendor' ->> 'Url' as vendor_url, v -> 'Vendor' ->> 'VendorCreatedAt' as vendor_created_at, v -> 'Vendor' ->> 'VendorSeverity' as vendor_severity, v -> 'Vendor' ->> 'VendorUpdatedAt' as vendor_updated_at, v ->> 'Cvss' as cvss, v ->> 'ReferenceUrls' as reference_urls, v ->> 'RelatedVulnerabilities' as related_vulnerabilities, v ->> 'VulnerablePackages' as vulnerable_packagesfrom aws_securityhub_finding, jsonb_array_elements(vulnerabilities) as vwhere title = 'EC2 instance involved in SSH brute force attacks.';
select title, json_extract(v.value, '$.Id') as vulnerabilitie_id, json_extract(v.value, '$.Vendor.Name') as vendor_name, json_extract(v.value, '$.Vendor.Url') as vendor_url, json_extract(v.value, '$.Vendor.VendorCreatedAt') as vendor_created_at, json_extract(v.value, '$.Vendor.VendorSeverity') as vendor_severity, json_extract(v.value, '$.Vendor.VendorUpdatedAt') as vendor_updated_at, json_extract(v.value, '$.Cvss') as cvss, json_extract(v.value, '$.ReferenceUrls') as reference_urls, json_extract(v.value, '$.RelatedVulnerabilities') as related_vulnerabilities, json_extract(v.value, '$.VulnerablePackages') as vulnerable_packagesfrom aws_securityhub_finding, json_each(vulnerabilities) as vwhere title = 'EC2 instance involved in SSH brute force attacks.';
List EC2 instances with failed compliance status
Determine the areas in which EC2 instances have failed compliance checks. This is useful for identifying potential security risks and rectifying them to maintain the integrity of your AWS environment.
select distinct i.instance_id, i.instance_state, i.instance_type, f.title, f.compliance_status, f.severity ->> 'Original' as severity_originalfrom aws_ec2_instance as i, aws_securityhub_finding as f, jsonb_array_elements(resources) as rwhere compliance_status = 'FAILED' and r ->> 'Type' = 'AwsEc2Instance' and i.arn = r ->> 'Id';
select distinct i.instance_id, i.instance_state, i.instance_type, f.title, f.compliance_status, json_extract(f.severity, '$.Original') as severity_originalfrom aws_ec2_instance as i, aws_securityhub_finding as f, json_each(f.resources) as rwhere f.compliance_status = 'FAILED' and json_extract(r.value, '$.Type') = 'AwsEc2Instance' and i.arn = json_extract(r.value, '$.Id');
Count resources with failed compliance status
Determine areas in your AWS environment where resources have failed compliance checks. This allows you to identify potential security risks and take corrective action.
select r ->> 'Type' as resource_type, count(r ->> 'Type')from aws_securityhub_finding, jsonb_array_elements(resources) as rgroup by r ->> 'Type'order by count desc;
select json_extract(r.value, '$.Type') as resource_type, count(json_extract(r.value, '$.Type'))from aws_securityhub_finding, json_each(resources) as rgroup by json_extract(r.value, '$.Type')order by count(json_extract(r.value, '$.Type')) desc;
List findings for CIS AWS foundations benchmark
Explore which findings are associated with the CIS AWS foundations benchmark in your AWS Security Hub. This can assist in identifying potential security risks or non-compliance issues for your company.
select title, id, company_name, created_at, criticality, confidencefrom aws_securityhub_findingwhere standards_control_arn like '%cis-aws-foundations-benchmark%';
select title, id, company_name, created_at, criticality, confidencefrom aws_securityhub_findingwhere standards_control_arn like '%cis-aws-foundations-benchmark%';
List findings for a particular standard control (Config.1)
Identify instances where specific security findings are associated with a particular standard control. This is beneficial in understanding the security posture of your organization by analyzing the criticality and confidence of the findings.
select f.title,, f.company_name, f.created_at, f.criticality, f.confidencefrom aws_securityhub_finding as f, aws_securityhub_standards_control as cwhere c.arn = f.standards_control_arn and c.control_id = 'Config.1';
select f.title,, f.company_name, f.created_at, f.criticality, f.confidencefrom aws_securityhub_finding as f, aws_securityhub_standards_control as cwhere c.arn = f.standards_control_arn and c.control_id = 'Config.1';
List resources with a failed compliance status for CIS AWS foundations benchmark
Discover the segments that have failed to comply with the CIS AWS foundations benchmark. This allows you to identify and rectify areas in your AWS resources that are not adhering to the recommended security controls, thereby enhancing your overall security posture.
select distinct r ->> 'Id' as resource_arn, r ->> 'Type' as resource_type, f.title, f.compliance_status, f.severity ->> 'Original' as severity_originalfrom aws_securityhub_finding as f, jsonb_array_elements(resources) as rwhere f.compliance_status = 'FAILED' and standards_control_arn like '%cis-aws-foundations-benchmark%';
select distinct json_extract(r.value, '$.Id') as resource_arn, json_extract(r.value, '$.Type') as resource_type, f.title, f.compliance_status, json_extract(f.severity, '$.Original') as severity_originalfrom aws_securityhub_finding as f, json_each(f.resources) as rwhere f.compliance_status = 'FAILED' and f.standards_control_arn like '%cis-aws-foundations-benchmark%';
List findings for production resources
Uncover the details of potential security issues within your production resources. This query aids in identifying non-compliant resources, assessing the severity of the issues, and understanding the areas that require immediate attention to enhance the security posture.
select distinct r ->> 'Id' as resource_arn, r ->> 'Type' as resource_type, f.title, f.compliance_status, f.severity ->> 'Original' as severity_originalfrom aws_securityhub_finding as f, jsonb_array_elements(resources) as rwhere r -> 'Tags' ->> 'Environment' = 'PROD';
select distinct json_extract(r.value, '$.Id') as resource_arn, json_extract(r.value, '$.Type') as resource_type, f.title, f.compliance_status, json_extract(f.severity, '$.Original') as severity_originalfrom aws_securityhub_finding as f, json_each(f.resources) as rwhere json_extract(json_extract(r.value, '$.Tags'), '$.Environment') = 'PROD';
Count finding resources by environment tag
This query helps identify the number of security findings associated with different environments in your AWS infrastructure. It's useful for understanding the distribution of potential security issues across various operational contexts.
select r -> 'Tags' ->> 'Environment' as environment, count(r ->> 'Tags')from aws_securityhub_finding as f, jsonb_array_elements(resources) as rgroup by r -> 'Tags' ->> 'Environment'order by count desc;
select json_extract(r.value, '$.Tags.Environment') as environment, count(json_extract(r.value, '$.Tags'))from aws_securityhub_finding as f, json_each(f.resources) as rgroup by json_extract(r.value, '$.Tags.Environment')order by count(*) desc;
List all findings for affected account 0123456789012
Determine the areas in which security issues have been identified for a specific account in AWS Security Hub. This is beneficial for pinpointing and addressing vulnerabilities in a targeted manner.
select title, f.severity ->> 'Original' as severity, r ->> 'Type' as resource_type, source_account_idfrom aws_securityhub_finding as f, jsonb_array_elements(resources) rwhere source_account_id = '0123456789012';
select title, json_extract(f.severity, '$.Original') as severity, json_extract(r.value, '$.Type') as resource_type, source_account_idfrom aws_securityhub_finding as f, json_each(resources) as rwhere source_account_id = '0123456789012';
Count the number of findings by affected account
Discover the segments that have security findings in your AWS accounts. This query helps you identify which accounts have the most findings, allowing you to prioritize your security efforts.
select source_account_id, count(*) as finding_countfrom aws_securityhub_findinggroup by source_account_idorder by source_account_id;
select source_account_id, count(*) as finding_countfrom aws_securityhub_findinggroup by source_account_idorder by source_account_id;
Retrieve findings updated within a specific time range
This query retrieves AWS Security Hub findings that were updated within a specified time interval. It provides details such as the ID, company name, the first time the finding was observed, the last update time, criticality, and verification state.
select id, company_name, first_observed_at, updated_at, criticality, verification_statefrom aws_securityhub_findingwhere updated_at between '2023-06-26T13:00:21+05:30' and '2024-07-04T14:45:00+05:30';
select id, company_name, first_observed_at, updated_at, criticality, verification_statefrom aws_securityhub_findingwhere updated_at between '2023-06-26T13:00:21+05:30' and '2024-07-04T14:45:00+05:30';
List findings that are created in the last month
This query is useful for retrieving security findings from AWS Security Hub that were created within the last 30 days. It allows you to filter and monitor findings based on their creation date, helping identify recent security issues, assess compliance status, and track product-specific incidents. This can be particularly valuable for auditing, incident response, or compliance reporting, ensuring you're working with the most recent data.
select id, company_name, created_at, confidence, compliance_status, product_name, product_arnfrom aws_securityhub_findingwhere created_at >= now() - interval '30d';
select id, company_name, created_at, confidence, compliance_status, product_name, product_arnfrom aws_securityhub_findingwhere created_at >= datetime('now', '-30 days');
Schema for aws_securityhub_finding
Name | Type | Operators | Description |
_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form. | |
account_id | text | =, !=, ~~, ~~*, !~~, !~~* | The AWS Account ID in which the resource is located. |
action | jsonb | Provides details about an action that affects or that was taken on a resource. | |
arn | text | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the finding. | |
company_name | text | =, != | The name of the company for the product that generated the finding. |
compliance | jsonb | This data type is exclusive to findings that are generated as the result of a check run against a specific rule in a supported security standard, such as CIS Amazon Web Services Foundations. | |
compliance_status | text | =, != | The result of a compliance standards check. |
confidence | bigint | =, >=, <= | A finding's confidence. Confidence is defined as the likelihood that a finding accurately identifies the behavior or issue that it was intended to identify. |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | =, >=, >, <=, < | Indicates when the security-findings provider created the potential security issue that a finding captured. |
criticality | bigint | =, >=, <= | The level of importance assigned to the resources associated with the finding. |
description | text | A finding's description. | |
finding_provider_fields | jsonb | In a BatchImportFindings request, finding providers use FindingProviderFields to provide and update their own values for confidence, criticality, related findings, severity, and types. | |
first_observed_at | timestamp with time zone | Indicates when the security-findings provider first observed the potential security issue that a finding captured. | |
generator_details | jsonb | Provides metadata for the Amazon CodeGuru detector associated with a finding. | |
generator_id | text | =, != | The identifier for the solution-specific component (a discrete unit of logic) that generated a finding. |
id | text | = | The security findings provider-specific identifier for a finding. |
last_observed_at | timestamp with time zone | Indicates when the security-findings provider most recently observed the potential security issue that a finding captured. | |
malware | jsonb | A list of malware related to a finding. | |
network | jsonb | The details of network-related information about a finding. | |
network_path | jsonb | Provides information about a network path that is relevant to a finding. Each entry under NetworkPath represents a component of that path. | |
note | jsonb | A user-defined note added to a finding. | |
partition | text | The AWS partition in which the resource is located (aws, aws-cn, or aws-us-gov). | |
patch_summary | jsonb | Provides an overview of the patch compliance status for an instance against a selected compliance standard. | |
process | jsonb | The details of process-related information about a finding. | |
processed_at | timestamp with time zone | An ISO8601-formatted timestamp that indicates when Security Hub received a finding and begins to process it. | |
product_arn | text | =, != | The ARN generated by Security Hub that uniquely identifies a product that generates findings. |
product_fields | jsonb | A data type where security-findings providers can include additional solution-specific details that aren't part of the defined AwsSecurityFinding format. | |
product_name | text | =, != | The name of the product that generated the finding. |
record_state | text | =, != | The record state of a finding. |
region | text | The AWS Region in which the resource is located. | |
related_findings | jsonb | A list of related findings. | |
remediation | jsonb | A data type that describes the remediation options for a finding. | |
resources | jsonb | A set of resource data types that describe the resources that the finding refers to. | |
sample | boolean | Indicates whether the finding is a sample finding. | |
schema_version | text | The schema version that a finding is formatted for. | |
severity | jsonb | A finding's severity. | |
source_account_id | text | =, != | The account id where the affected resource lives. |
source_url | text | A URL that links to a page about the current finding in the security-findings provider's solution. | |
sp_connection_name | text | =, !=, ~~, ~~*, !~~, !~~* | Steampipe connection name. |
sp_ctx | jsonb | Steampipe context in JSON form. | |
standards_control_arn | text | The ARN of the security standard control. | |
threat_intel_indicators | jsonb | Threat intelligence details related to a finding. | |
threats | jsonb | Details about the threat detected in a security finding and the file paths that were affected by the threat. | |
title | text | =, != | A finding's title. |
types | jsonb | One or more finding types in the format of namespace/category/classifier that classify a finding. Valid namespace values are: Software and Configuration Checks | TTPs | Effects | Unusual Behaviors | Sensitive Data Identifications. | |
updated_at | timestamp with time zone | =, >=, >, <=, < | Indicates when the security-findings provider last updated the finding record. |
user_defined_fields | jsonb | A list of name/value string pairs associated with the finding. | |
verification_state | text | =, != | Indicates the veracity of a finding. |
vulnerabilities | jsonb | Provides a list of vulnerabilities associated with the findings. | |
workflow_status | text | =, != | The workflow status of a finding. Possible values are NEW, NOTIFIED, SUPPRESSED, RESOLVED. |
This table is available as a standalone Exporter CLI. Steampipe exporters are stand-alone binaries that allow you to extract data using Steampipe plugins without a database.
You can download the tarball for your platform from the Releases page, but it is simplest to install them with the
/bin/sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" -- aws
You can pass the configuration to the command with the --config
steampipe_export_aws --config '<your_config>' aws_securityhub_finding